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India is going to be translated as new nation

India is a great country that is considered as world’s seventh largest nation, according to its population. But now, India is going to be translated into a new nation.

Before 1947, India was controlled under the rule of British. English men were ruling our nation and used to transport so many and different Indian properties to their own native place, Britain. They imported their unusable and infeasible properties from their land to ours’. Especially East India Company, especially, brought so many things which were wastes and incapable to be used. But, in spite of this, they took so many big deals from Indians.

In 1947, India became independent because of the struggles of our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives in the fights against British men. And in 1950, our honorable leaders, especially Dr. B.R Ambedkar, complied the Indian constitution. After that, India became a democratic country, including Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers and other leaders like M.L.A and so on to live very well. The first man to be the Prime Minister of India was Jawaharlal Nehru. This system continued till Dr. Manmohan Singh’s rule. That’s why all the aspects of our country, India were forward; financially, socially, culturally, and educationally and so on.

But in 2014, when Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India, he focused on Hindu families, Hinduism and those who supported Hindus and supported them to grow up in all aspects. He strived hard to make India a religion based country.

In 2000, India started to change as Hinduism. The question of race and it is impact of colonial society became visible. All Hindus have united and made Hinduism relevant. Since 2002, there hasn’t been a Muslim Prime Minister.

We have BJP rule in India right now and they want to change our nation to become a Hindu-nation, when India is a democratic country. All citizen of India have their own right to live here and spread their religion. But they are not giving us our rights and they are preventing us in every aspect of our lives, like TALAQ. In Islam, every Muslim has their own right to give TALAQ to their wives, if they have some problems between the couple.

Even the NRC started in Assam, sometime back, seems like a secret plan of Modi to uproot the Muslims from the face of India. Out of the 19 lakh people registered in the list, 11 lakh were Hindu, 6 lakh Muslims and two lakhs from other religions. But, Amit Shah wants to come up with a new list in a few months. And they will not register Hindus in this new list and will uproot only Muslims from the face of this territory.  Recently, Narendra Modi made Kashmir a territorial state too.

I see this as a clear kind of violence. It’s about time some action is taken and we unite, under our flag, to distribute rights to all religions equally.

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