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#PeriodPaath: Curriculum In Universities For Awareness

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Smt. Draupadi Murmu
Honorable governor of Jharkhand
Subject:- breaking myths related to mensuration.
Respected madam,

I am writing this letter to you as you are the chancellor of all state universities in
Jharkhand. Reports by UNICEF in India states that girls around the age of 12- 19
suffers due to a lot of stigmas associated with it. There have been several myths
associated among young girls and illiterate men and women regarding

There are many myths related to mensuration both in the minds of
male and female population all over the world. Some of the most common myths
regarding mensuration are as follows:-

1. PERIOD BLOOD IS DIRTY BLOOD:- Most of the people i meet in my day to day
life including some women thinks that period blood is dirty blood. It is a sign of
impurity. That’s the main reason why most of the women’s are not allowed in the
temples and the kitchen during period.

where women are setting an example for others to follow in every field,
irrespective of this many women are still embarrassed to buy pads in front of
others in medical shops.

3. PERIOD IS A DISEASE:- Many illiterate people in our country treats period like
it’s a kind of disease. Hundred of years ago in our country when woman used to
get periods they were convinced to spend period days in the cow or horse stables.
Some of which ruthless practices still happens in many part of the countries. This
is one of the prime example how some people still see period as a disease.

4. PERIODS ARE PERSONAL ISSUE FOR WOMEN:- This is one of the myth i used to
believe myself and i am ashamed of it. According to united nation menstrual
hygiene is a public health issue

Similarly like these there are many other myths regarding mensuration which are
brainwashing the minds of the common people. These myths are the main
obstacles which we must overcome to raise awareness regarding menstruation.
Without completely destroying each and every myth related to mensuration we
can’t raise awareness about mensuration doesn’t matter how much we try.
Awareness for a certain issue the first solution should be breaking the myths
surrounding .

Now the final question arises how can we completely erase the
myths related to mensuration. According to me there are some ways through
which we can achieve our objective.

1. The first step toward achieving this goal is sex education and menstruation
should be included in detail in textbooks provided in school and colleges. A
curriculum related to it including regular discussions, debates, speeches, essays
related to the topic of mensuration and sex education among students should be
made compulsory in all school and college.

2. Menstrual hygiene related videos, films, documentaries should be shown in
every villages in projectors. which will raise awareness among the people who are
either illiterate or can’t afford to send their children to schools.

3. It is very important to raise awareness related to mensuration among each and
every men. With support of all the men’s out there women will be at ease buying
pads in medical shops without any embarrassment.

4. It doesn’t matter if girls study in a govt. school or private school/College they
should be provided clean and hygienic toilets in school/college premises.

5. Girl’s should be provided with free sanitary napkins in every school and college.
Because many girls in our country can’t afford sanitary napkins every month.

Therefore to deal urgently with this severe issue.

I kindly request you to
constitute a curriculum design committee on it and provide necessary measures
to colleges and universities in the state to implement menstruation health
curriculum for awareness and abolition of myths around it.



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