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5 Myths Relating To Fitness And Health

A family in Bengaluru go running together. (Photo by Aniruddha Chowdhury/Mint via Getty Images)

There is a lot of myth flying around fitness and health. These myths tend to prevent you from trying certain things, hinder your progress and keep you misinformed. So here’s a list of five myths about fitness and health busted so that you can reach your fitness goals in 2020.

  1. Weight Training Stunts Your Height

There is a common misconception among people about weight training leading to a stance in growth. To start things with, there is no research which has proven that working out leads to a stance in one`s height. In fact, if you go to see many athletes like Paul Pogba and LeBron James, you’ll notice that they started weight lifting since a very young age. This doesn’t change the fact that they are tall beasts. Growth mostly depends on genetics and lifestyle. It is always important to have some form of activity (running, sports, gym, etc.), a healthy diet and a good amount of rest in your lifestyle.

  1. Reducing Fat In One Area

Many people think that by targeting a particular body part, like the abdomen, they can reduce fat in that area. That’s just not how our body works. No matter how many crunches you perform, your abs will not be visible since they are covered with a layer of fat. When we exercise and burn fat, fat burns in the overall body and not in a particular muscle group. So the best bet, in this case, is to maintain an appropriate and healthy diet and be consistent with workouts. An important thing to note is that it’s the diet that makes a big difference and helps you get your desired body.

  1. Women That Lift Weights Become Bulky

It’s always observed in a gym that women are usually seen in the cardio section of the gym and we find very few women that are into weight training. This is because many women believe that lifting weights will make them look bulky. We need to understand that a man and a woman’s body works differently. With the same diet and same exercise routine, a man and a woman would get different results in a certain period of time. This is because men have high amounts of testosterone in their bodies and women don’t. Weight training burns fat actively and passively and will lead women to get a toned body.

  1. Detox Diets Work

People believe that over time, we develop toxins in our body which make us fat and/or unhealthy, and so they feel the need to go on a detox diet to flush the toxins out. These diets usually require a person to drink a lot of water. Now some might say that drinking water is a good thing, but taking that to an extreme level can be fatal. Drinking more water than you require can lead to hyponatremia.  The truth is, the human body is evolved and creates a defence against these unwanted substances.

  1. Masturbation And Sex Are Bad For Bodybuilding

This is a common misconception between teenagers and young adults who are into fitness. It is believed that frequent masturbation/sex can lower your testosterone levels and hence decrease the muscle growth. Once again, the human bodies have been designed a certain way and we are able to replenish our testosterone 30 minutes. As long as we don’t overdo it, masturbation and sex aren’t a hurdle to building a physique.

It is always important to be consistent and never give up. Always be open to learning from your mistakes and you can definitely achieve your dream body this year.

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