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Indian Women against Fascism-Critical study of present day Scenery.

I have,  from my observation and experiences learnt when a woman write in rage she usually writes foolishly and while she pens down calmly, she writes wisely therefore took this long to write about the ‘Women movement’ that’s on in parts of India initiated from Shaheen Bagh- Delhi. It is still not in my luck to pay a visit in Shaheen bagh however I have visited Park Circus in Kolkata that is featuring a similar structural protest to that of Shaheen Bagh where women, absolutely homemakers, are out in the field on a sit-in demonstration protesting against the draconian CAA/NRC/NPR. It is by virtue my level of overwhelm reached heights to break apart the mercury of a thermometer when I learnt women took this step forward. Other women joined in from parts of Bengal showing the necessary solidarity to the Muslim women who initially pulled this movement out in Kolkata. Once the mass was well off a group of women started denoting this as a feminist movement. Most likely, women who recognizes them as feminists joined in to add up the force. Meanwhile men were in roles like distributing food, guarding the women, providing necessities like blankets etc as the winter in Kolkata was bitter this time and those that stayed back in the Park Circus maidan through out the night needed good coverage. Couple of days after I went and found out men are also involved in the decision making which of course do not limit to a all women movement but yes, a feminist movement still. Although women had isdues with men raising slogan because they felt that hampered feminism of the whole movement, I personally did not feel anything if that sort as feminism is never about ‘only women rights’ rather it’s building and maintaini g the honor of equality amongst all genders. However in the later half of the movement, that is on the seventh day I heard women judging women for dresses they wore,  cigarette smoking skills etc. That left me disturbed for a while and I chose not to wander around the area for some time. What bothers me is this custom of judging women for all that’s pronounced for their sex by the majoritarian society. People still fails to accept the fact that women feels same as men do, women do get headache and if smoking helps they can smoke, should not be a cause to defame one’s character. Such protests are field for their long earned efforts as much as for the men who wanted to protest against the fascist government then why should women keep calm generally, not wear what she feels comfortable in and not smoke a cigarette when she needs it! Meanwhile there were groupisms, political parties trying to break -in, there were political leaders from different parties coming in and visiting and congratulating the women for pulling this movement out however they were mostly men leaders. There went musical nights to keep the women entertained, there were protest music, there is sloganeering but as the days are passing,  end of the day the women are getting back home and getting busy in housekeeping while the men stays back all night chatting and enjoying amongst themselves. The very lord of the fascist government came to town in between however he was not boycotted by the state government instead given enough welcoming. Park circus required permission to spread tents and use microphone, the government kept the demand on hold for ten days and agreed to the demands on tenth day giving this movement another dynamic that they are also in support. A government that could not stop the fascist lord from renaming the Calcutta port to whosoever they felt they should name it upon, obviously one of their godfather,( their as in fascist godfather is what am implying) is now supporting the women’s movement against CAA/NRC but they are still not declaring their firm stand against NPR. Meanwhile there were statements coming up from maestro’s on how women wearing bangles are choosing to fight fascism and the sarcastic side of it so to fight their male chauvinist mind set a group of women decided to go ahead with mehendi rasam at Park Circus, writing no NRC, no CAA,  no NPR with mehendi which is pretty much an activity gor the women in resistance however I have found out from news that the blankets being distributed to the protestors or anyone who is in resistance in different parts of the country are same so that proves the stratified move from one source. What strikes my mind now if it’s at all a woman movement or a feminist movement or just using women again to earn benefits out of them? I hereby am writing and raising this question as a civilian and if I may at all take this opportunity out to voice out as a woman for it is by default that women are still being played up with and fooled by the other section in the name of patronizing them in this kind of movements. My skeptical mind refuses to accept that this is going to be called solely a country based women movement in the ages of history,  in later years. All am worried of is any game  that society loves playing on it’s women and women falling prey to it times and again. I too shall wait to see more of such movement and the result it draws out to write a conclusive article but as of now this is just a reflexive one and I myself am in a dilemma with whatever is going on wondering where it ends and what it adds to the history. That’s all for now. Thought it necessary to keep a record of this movement for future reference and that’s that.

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