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When A Library Was Sacked

The echo of that tragedy is still fresh in our memories, and tragedy it was. The whole event unfolded like an ideal Greek tragedy. Bits by bits we were getting the follow-ups. Amidst all the chaos, a broken picture began to form, and the voice which was silenced and crushed under those hard leather boots of ‘protectors’ was wavering and broken.

The mighty flames of student spirit were turning into ashes. But still, past midnight, something happened, something unexpected, and a few dying flames were left fighting the beating of the boots. And then that wind blew, just a little, just enough.

And like the legendary Phoenix, they rose from the ashes. This Phoenix’s glare spurred the social media to speak up, with those broken pictures, it illuminated brighter than it ever did before. The whole world got the message, or should I say, the students of the whole world got the message that “A library was sacked.”

~A bystander from Jamia Millia Islamia

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