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Let’s Be More Protective Of Our Wildlife, Lest They Go Extinct!

In early classes, we often read stories of love and affection between humans and animals. Every story splashes a moral lesson in our minds. These stories are never taken seriously or focussed upon.

Image used for representation purpose only.

In the initial days of school, we used to learn a series of animals’ and birds’ names. It’s devastating to say that the series has becomes shortened now. Before contemporary times, all-natural species, including humans, were very caring, loving, and protective to each other. Classical genre painting and engravings are enough proof of their mutual affection.
Extinction, the dying out or the extermination of species, occurs due to environmental forces like habitat fragmentation, global change, natural disasters, use of animals for human purpose, and evolutionary changes. Somehow, extinction is a natural process, but it is often interfered in by a human.

Many species have become extinct because of hunting, over-harvesting, conversion of wetland and forests to cropland and urban areas. The run for modernization and competition has wound-up all-natural habitats. The current rate of human-induced extinctions is estimated at 1000 times greater than past natural rates of extinctions. The increasing human population is the main reason for habitat loss. Forest abodes are diminished on a large scale for tall buildings.

Industrialization has increased the level of greenhouse gases and begun to alter the natural cycle of climate. When the earth’s surface temperature was rising and disturbed the environmental conditions, many species started moving towards poles and mountain slopes to remain habitats. One study revealed that 5.2% of species would be lost due to global warming. The study also predicates that about 16% of earth species would be lost if surface warms by 4.2 degrees Celsius.

Changes in ocean temperature and increasing ocean acidification also threatens many marine species, especially corals and molluscs, with external shells. Hunting and poaching of wild species for eating purposes and black marketing are at a high rate. Their remains are used for medicine and valuable ornaments and jewellery. Their skin is used by the upper-class families for decoration on walls and creates a symbol of false royalty.

Oceans inhabit more numbers of species than land. Having various types of beautiful fishes and tortoises are considered symbols of high status. It’s dejecting that people gift these to each other to show their reputation and moral standing. But it’s an eerie truth that your gifts are on the verge of extinction. So, please stop disturbing their habitats and natural environment.

We know about the bush fire that perished 1.2 billion animals in Australia. This simpleton human took their lives without any reason. Just ask a simple question as to what was the mistake they made or did they harm you. I don’t think there’s a reply to that. You snatched their rights to live on this Earth. In another case, poachers killed two white giraffes in Kenya out of a total of three.

Please stop poaching. If you can not care for the wildlife, you have no right to disturb their life either. They are caring and protective of their environment. Start learning lessons from them. Don’t forget that we might be the next to get extinct.

Love animals and wildlife. They have an equal right to live on this earth, just as much as we have.

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