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Here Are 10 Books That Are A Must-Read For Your Twenties!

“Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Reading is one of the best habits you should develop at an early age. We as humans need to learn and teach at the same time to make our society a better place. In our schools, colleges, universities, and workplaces, we learn a lot from academic books, teachers, and our colleagues undoubtedly.

However, there are many things we are unable to learn and interact with, in our schools and colleges. That’s why in this article, I will discuss ten books that help me in every walk of my life and why you must read them once. So here I go.

1. Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

This is one of the finest books I have ever read. Arguably, this is the most famous book of all time. In this book, the author makes us realize how ‘being rich is a state of mind.’ The author shows us how we must think to become money-conscious. The book teaches us how to think ourselves rich, how to control our minds and our thoughts so that we can become rich. The term ‘rich’ means anything like happiness, money, healthy relationships, etc.

2. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind By Joseph Murphy

In this book, the author talks about the power of our subconscious mind. The book teaches you how to visualize and adapt your unconscious behaviour in positive ways. The book was written more than 50 years ago, but it’s a must-read even today.

3. The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy

In this book, the author tells you the importance of consistency. You will learn how maintaining good habits help you achieve your goals. The compound effect is a strategy of getting huge success or rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions that you will learn from this book.

4. The Art of Public Speaking By Dale Carnegie

The book was published over a 100 years ago in 1915, but it’s a book worth reading. Who doesn’t want to be a good public speaker? But unfortunately, not all of us have the gift of the gab. This book of Dale Carnegie will teach you how to make your content better, ways to articulate more effectively, the methods to enhance voice and tone while speaking, the importance of rhetoric, etc.

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

If you are not good at creating or managing your wealth, perhaps you might want to read this book. Some interesting facts and important lesson related to wealth are framed in a beautiful life story which makes this book a must-read for you.

6. Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis

Do you feel stuck while speaking English because of lack of good vocabulary?

Do you find your word power to be not good enough? You might want to consider reading this book. Be it your professional life or facing any other competition which requires English, this book is a one-stop solution for all your vocabulary needs. The way you are taught new words in this book is simply amazing.

7. Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom 

This is one of the most admired books of all time. If you are seeking happiness and trying to find the meaning of life in your life, you must read this one. You will remember this book for a long time once you read it.

8. The Talent Code By Daniel Coyle 

The author Daniel Coyle says “Greatness isn’t born, it’s grown.” This book is all about how a world-class talent is developed within yourself. If you are looking for an edge and want to master your skills, you should definitely befriend this book.

9. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem By Nathaniel Branden

The book demonstrates why self-esteem is basic to psychological health, achievement, personal happiness, and positive relationships. In this book, the author Nathaniel Branden suggests six practices to form our self-esteem: living consciously, self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, living purposefully, and personal integrity.

10. Atomic Habits: An Easy And Proven Way to Build Good Habits And Break Bad Ones By James Clear

This is a book worth reading. And trust me, I am not saying it lightly. The book will teach you: to become 1% better every day; break your bad habits, and stick to good ones; develop a stronger belief and identity in yourself; avoid the common mistakes most people make when changing habits, and a lot more.

So these are my recommendations for the must-read books. I have read all of them and trust me each and every book listed over here is amazing. You will thank me later for suggesting these books once you read them. Do read them once, and these books will completely transform you into a better person. Also, you will learn many precious skills and lessons that no school will ever teach you.

Happy Learning!

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