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Covid-19: Data And Testing Are The Key

There are 10,98386 coronavirus cases across the world till date and it’s flicking up daily. Americans are mostly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. US President Trump said that more than 1 million American have been tested for Covid-19.

The President of Iran warns that battle against covid-19 may last another year as death toll jumps over three thousand. Iran has closed schools, universities and all religious sites. In an official website, the Iranian Govt. said that 80000 corona tests have been conducted in the country of which 50488 have tested positive for covid-19.

Australia’s total population is 2.46cr, and till now, Australia has conducted 2,68,163 tests, of which 5137 are positive cases for covid-19. Germany has a population of 8.28 cr., and till date, 918460 have been tested. The WHO has urged countries to conduct as many tests as possible to curb out the pandemic.

As far as India is concerned, according to ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), a total of 6924 samples have been tested as on 3rd April, of which 2653 individuals are positive. India is the world’s second-largest populous country. For a country of 130-crore population, the testing rate is poor. Lockdown cannot be the final solution.

As per a study by the centre for mathematical sciences, University of Cambridge, lockdown is somehow helpful, but once lockdown comes to an end, the cases will increase. The study has also figured out that if the state once again goes for the complete lockdown, it has chances to control the spreading covid-cases.

As the crowd was gathered in Delhi and its borders, the Government reported to the Supreme Court that one-third of migrant workers who left for various states could be infected from the virus. In viewing that the SC directed the Central Govt. to provide the migrant workers proper and shelters.

If we left out any region or infected person, later it may lead India at risk again. Data is the key; the Government needs complete data so that we can eventually control it.

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