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Make The Best Use Of This Lockdown By Finding Solace In Your Hobbies

Female hand cut tomatoes on rustic kitchen table, around lie ingredients, vegetables, fruits, and spices, Healthy foods, cooking and vegetarian concept.

Hobbies, the word sounds so familiar, don’t you think so? I mean, come on, we have heard it right from our childhood and keep being asked, what keeps you busy when you are sitting ideal or as simple as, tell us about your interests or hobbies. From a child as young as 5 to an individual as old as say 90 takes pride in conveying about it. This also proves that they are subject to change and keep evolving with time.

However, one thing that remains constant is the ‘feel.’ The feel of being on cloud-9, an urge to do better, and more than that a certain sense of completeness within.

Especially, if the current time is put under focus, then practicing a hobby or taking up a new one would act as a stress buster. Research has revealed that picking up a new hobby or hanging onto one, not only acts as a stress buster but also helps in the formation of new brain cells called neurons and in strengthening the existing neural connections. And, therefore, it is emphasized to take up one when you are bored. We at Yo Zindagi, understand its importance and hence, recommend you some ways of following one or maybe, inclining your interest into new ones.

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Every soul on this earth has at least once tried this. It has been the best part of our childhood. Just seeing all those colors used to sparks a series of emotions, and we were always tempted to pick one and brush it on the paper. Well, that is precisely how art therapy would also do to you. As Manasi puts it, “Not everybody has people to speak to. Not everybody can write down their feelings. But just crayoning on paper is very easy. Colours have a very calming effect on us.” Ever tried drawing Mandala? It is the best. Works well on anxious thoughts, and we highly recommend it. Browse through youtube and start this new hobby.


The world of culinary art has so much to give, right from making those succulent starters to the main course or dessert. We feel that cooking not just tests your patience but also your skills of pulling off different tastes. The whole journey of cooking reminds us of how we gel well with all fellow beings, by transcending all the differences and becoming one. So go ahead, try your hand on something different this time. We are sure that small steps would ensure a great success!

Creative Writing

Are you still shy of letting your emotions out? Or do you feel that you have the potential to be a writer but need a platform to reach out to others and get their feedback? Well, you know what we are using – Youth Ki Awaaz. Spread this word and channel it to others so that they can make their voices heard. Otherwise, as good as it can get, reach out to family and friends because corona times have stored in enough for all of us.

Dressing Up

Sounds unusual, right? It is a fancy word for cleaning up your wardrobe and room. We are sure that all the mothers would be delighted with this new activity. Cleaning by dressing up in those clothes that you are no longer going to wear not just gives you a feeling of venturing out of the house but also in understanding that clothes come with a timeline and should be distributed so that your room is more organised and at the same time this cleaning process brings a smile on somebody.


Let’s connect through photos. As they say, pictures speak more than words. Get the best shots from this Corona time and make a scrapbook or an album. It won’t just use your photography skills but will also help in putting the activities as mentioned above into practice. Because pictures happen when you create ‘memories.’

So let us use this time to rediscover our ideas, creativity, and relationships. The current situation presents an opportunity to reconnect to practice things that made us happy. Activities like gardening, meditation, yoga can be equally beneficial and put under execution. That’s it for today.

Try these and let us know how these new activities/ hobbies unfold for you. If you still find issues in reconnecting yourself with these hobbies, then please reach out to ‘Yo Zindagi.’ We have this immense amount of happiness and motivation to give.

(This article is a joint effort by Manasi Baindur, Priya Shukla, and Yashi Kapur, who are providing Counselling under our Mental Health Internship Program.)

Yo Zindagi is a campaign to Promote Mental Health & Emotional Maturity by engaging individuals in conversations and workshop. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

(This article is a joint effort by Manasi Baindur, Priya Shukla, and Yashi Kapur, who provide Counselling under our Mental Health Internship Program.)

Yo Zindagi is a campaign to Promote Mental Health and Emotional Maturity by engaging individuals in conversations and workshop. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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