Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Poem: From My Blood To Yours

From my Blood to Yours
Do no enter the kitchen.
This is against our religion.
So how does it work?
I am a goddess for 25-26 days, and a bitch for the rest?
Honestly, I am a bitch at its best.
So ‘You’ do kitchen for all 30 days,
Granting me the much-needed rest.

Where is your religion when people are being killed in its name?
When cows are protected over humans?
When lynching becomes an everyday game?
Does your religion have any shame?
Then, is your religion to blame?
Touching, sitting and walking is prohibited,
But a baby boy is eagerly awaited.

Ah! The joy of hypocrisy being celebrated!
When your ‘Culture’ eats my freedom
Like a preying vulture
I will not shut up.
Stigma, taboo, stereotype,
Multiple myths and over hype
Defines menstruation.
Because who cares about water,
Hygiene and sanitation?
As long as I am bleeding silently
Over your views on my body and ‘Abortion’.

The day hypocrisy and patriarchy
comes to a halt
will you open your eyes
and see your fault
and realize that
Blood was not the problem.
Menstruation was never the issue.
It was your thoughts,
That were dirty, disgusting and impure.
Never my Periods. Period.

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