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How to overcome Alcohol addiction


Only alcohol addict knows, how hard it is to get rid of this habit. Initially, people drink alcohol just for fun to get trance, a moment of forgetfulness, but later on, with the repetition, it becomes a habit as people want this stage of trance on a daily basis. 


Let’s look over all the aspects of alcohol.

Benefit of alcohol as claimed by addict:

  1. Stress relief:  The chemical effect of alcohol is such that after its consumption one feels drowsy or a state of unconsciousness or forgetfulness,. It leads to forgetting all worries or problems which people go through in daily lives.
  2. Fearlessness: When people are conscious, they are afraid of all little things, but when they are asleep or drunk they forget the memories related to fears, so they do feel a sense of fearlessness.
  3. Celebration: When people meet their friends, they want to celebrate this moment with alcohol. Alcohol makes them a bit unconscious, they talk and express freely without any hesitation. This way people cherish their memories and want to repeat it time and again.

The harmful effect of alcohol:

  1. Health hazard: Alcohol has a very adverse effect on the liver, and can lead to serious health problems and diseases. Long term use of alcohol affects the brain and other body parts as well. It can lead to Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory etc.
  2. Negative impact on social relations: An alcohol addict is most of the time unconsciously behave aggressively with others. People even resort to violence under the alcohol effect.
  3.  Financial problem:  Obviously one gets financially ruined if he is an alcohol addict.
  4. Depression: With a weak body and mind, depression is the natural consequence.

By comparing the benefits and harmful effects, anyone can conclude the alcohol has a very negative impact on all aspects of life, be it physical and mental health, finance, relationships, and most importantly one loses all happiness and peace.

Tips to overcome addiction :

  1. Announcement: As you have suffered a lot due to alcohol addiction, make an announcement to yourself that you will overcome this habit. This will help you in getting over your habit naturally.
  2. Exercise: Include physical exercise like going to the gym or doing yoga in your daily routine. It will help you immensely in making your mind being pro-health.
  3. Avoid bad company: Be determined to distance yourself from the people who are themselves alcohol addict and with whom you lose the determination to avoid alcohol.
  4. Limit your consumption: Slowly cut down the limit of alcohol you consume.
  5. No alcohol days: Make a mental plan that you will not drink alcohol on certain days like weekdays so that the gap between drinking session increases. This gap will prepare your mind slowly to break the habit.
  6. Observe sensation: The best way which will work for sure is to drink alcohol slowly and observing the sensation of alcohol on your body parts like tongue, throat and brain. Slowly you will realize that it is just the sensation produced by alcohol which has made you crazy about it. Knowing that these sensations are so temporary, you will get detachment from this habit.
  7. Replace alcohol with an energy drink: Fill the glass which you use for alcohol with fruit juice or any other energy drink. The health benefit of energy drink will boost your confidence to give priority to fruit juice over alcohol.

These tips can help you in overcoming your alcohol addiction but remember it finally depends on your volition to quit alcohol.

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