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youTube proves that you cannot sell homophobia to raise funds, Carryminati

Is it YouTube Vs Carryminati or YouTube Vs Homophobia?

Ajey Nagar or popularly known as Carryminati, is an Indian YouTuber who has been trending in social
media for his notorious activities ranging from outright homophobia to body shaming often channeling
his inner inherent sexist and misogynist.   YouTube taking down his video, not surprisingly created an
upsurge among his followers who are just as okay with his ‘trolls’ as he is with openly promoting
homophobia and sexism. 

 All thanks to the popular media, Bollywood movies and pulp fiction that we have not only been successful in internalizing
misogyny, homophobia and every other negativity, but also have glorified these.

Texts sent to Carryminati, on Instagram, by one of his followers. Source: Yes We Exist


“the myth about trannies’ (a slur used to refer to trans people) curse has transformed into reality.” Homophobic slurs are being circulated all over social media.

Most of the women, people from LGBTQ+ Communities and TikTok users felt humiliated and uncomfortable watching Nagar’s videos. What is scarier and more disgusting is that in the name of #justiceforcarry, his fans have been
madly propagating homophobia to feed their anger. Only if they would fight this hard to get a survivor
of sexual violence their justice, India would not come up with more that 25,000 documented rape cases
in a year. 

#justiceforcarry and #carryminati trending on google.

His fans have gone to the extent of circulating screenshots of his charity streams, thereby failing to
understand that one’s generosity does not absolve them of their wrongdoings. YOU DO NOT SELL
HOMOPHOBIA TO RAISE FUNDS. NO, NOT AT ALL. Even YouTubers like Bhuvan Bam and Ashish
Chanchalani publicly extended their support to Nagar.

Screenshot of Carryminati’s YouTube Charity Streams being circulated in Social Media.


People questioning YouTube’s move to delete an Indian YouTuber’s  video but not caring enough about the ones that
promote racism and discrimination based on regionalism (referring to PewDiePie’s commentary on
India) and also questioning other people on their failure to address the “more serious” issues related to the migrant
workers, clearly proves that we realize and consider something as problematic and choose to address it
only to claim what others consider problematic, as ‘not that problematic’.

The first step to fight misogyny and homophobia is to uproot it. One must learn
to not be comfortable with rape jokes, homophobic jokes, racist jokes just because these are jokes  and later get outraged when these people turn out to be rapists and murderers. A RAPIST DOES NOT BECOME A RAPIST OVERNIGHT.

YouTube’s bold move to delete one of the most viewed videos will go a long way! Moreover, India is already famous for its homophobia and we don’t want a homophobic video by an Indian to set and break records.  This International Day against Homophobia, YouTube has shown how it should be undone.

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