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What Could Have Saved Sushant?

Mental Health

It is always shocking to hear news of self-harm. We never see it coming and that’s what leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions. Everything seemed okay, then WHY? What were they feeling? Why didn’t they share?

We find self-harm instances from all walks of life. It is typically associated with unmet expectations from some aspect of life – professionally, personally, in relationships et al however at times there’s no apparent reason. With Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities one especially wonders what led them to self-harm given the professional success and fame they earned. We never know ALL about anyone, how the world views them may be very different from what they feel about themselves, the struggles they hide behind a smile.

What pushes someone to this last hope to cease the hopelessness? We need to become more aware of what goes behind this act, how can we help each other, how can we show up for each other in better ways. Self-harm is not a sign of a failed individual, but it is a sign of a failed society. Despite all the progress we’ve made, the definition of success has little or no emphasis on Happiness & Self-love, its mostly confined to name, fame, and money. Self-harm is not a sign of weakness but signifies a weakened support system that didn’t encourage one to reach out, turned away every time it was asked for help, or shamed when did.

Depression and other Mental Illnesses does not discriminate between successful and failed individuals, it does not need a “reason to be a reason enough” to make someone’s mind their home. It makes its victim lose the will and hope to live. It feeds on an inability to reach out.

Let’s check in on our loved ones often, but let’s not forget to check in with ourselves too.

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