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Secularism – An idea and beyond

Recently, I came across many an article, opinion pieces that spoke about Indian secularism. This much hyped about topic has always made its way into mainstream debates and discussions. But the recent issue of the Ram Janmabhoomi – Babri Masjid has made discussions about this subject even more broad. 

What I feel is that everyone should have the right to believe in what he or she thinks is right. Nobody should be questioning the other and making him or her forcefully accept their version of right and wrong.

Intolerance to other religious faiths and ideologies is what is leading the Indian minds at present. 

Is secularism in anyway linked to religious intolerance? 

I know almost everyone would have this idea that secularism promotes religious tolerance. 

But the truth is that the very basic notion of secularism curbs religious tolerance levels in a society. Briefly stating, religious tolerance can be described as people allowing other people to think or practice other religions and beliefs. 

And secularism is the “indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations.” 

Hence secularism will curb the levels of tolerance towards any religion. Moreover, a secular nation can never practise utmost tolerance towards all religions because this practise is sure to erupt clashes at some point or the other. It would make different religious entities feel that the existing principle of secularism should limit the right of other religions and also that it is  ensuring only minimal rights to their faith. 

In this case, even small decisions in favour of the other religion or faith can make many religious sects feel hampered of their religious right or demand more rights for their faith.

And here arises the idea of ‘religious intolerance.’ The so-called feeling of the hindrance of rights makes religious groups complain of the much talked of intolerance levels in society (as far as faith is concerned).  

Or, in simple terms, when an issue arises between two religions anything that renders some amount of tolerance to one religion becomes a matter of concern for the other. 

The same happened in the case of the Ram Mandir dispute. The SC ruling in favour of the construction of the temple became a matter of concern for the Muslims who felt that their rights over the Masjid were hindered. 

But history repeats itself. The temple was pulled down for the construction of the Masjid. 


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