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The Creation Of The Creator

When a child starts to develop some mental clarity and farsightedness, the first question that the child deals with consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously is “How did i come to be here?”. Even the look of a newborn child suggests that he is confused, but most of these questions are either swept away by the stress in life or are ignored by the person himself. Even f he thinks about it for a moment, the answer that comes to his mind is ‘through his mother’s womb‘ . Nobody has enough intuition and clarity to go beyond that. This question will be dealt with afterwards but in this article, the creation of the creator will be discussed.

Who is the Creator? Is he the man with 108 heads and 181 hands, is he Jesus , or is he Shiva, or if all of them are creators then who is the creator of these beings? These questions are enough to engage you for millions of years and these questions only lead you on a spiritual path.

There is a story in India about the Lord of lords -“Shiva”(Shiva means unmanifested ,nothingness ). Shiva is not a god but a personification of the unmanifest, in today’s terminology, the dark matter . i will not go into the full story behind it but this will be sufficient ,”shiva’s first wife sati burnt herself due to some reasons angry at her death shiva’s dreadlock fell at the ground and a being with superhuman ability was formed he could remove anything from his path just with his roar and his name was ‘rudra’ complementary to this being another being was created whose name was kali one of her qualities was -she never let any enemy’s blood fell on the ground ,she drank every drop of her enemy’s blood .” now what is the reason behind this story ,what you have read in this story explains the creation of the universe .this will be explained in the next few paragraphs
shiva here is unmanifest matter (dark matter) ,kali represents a law in the universe and rudra suggests the creation and shiva’s wife sati represents dark matter particle ,you might be thinking i am referring to both shiva and his wife as dark matter no this might sound very arrogant but maybe after a few decades they might believe me ,dark matter is not of a single type it has two constituents like quarks which make proton and neutron and these 2 constituents further divide into 5 constituents .with the death of shiva’s wife it means the consumption of the energy in an dark matter particle ,the particle burns itself up ,the dark matter field or shiva which is present around it cannot sustain the emptiness created by the death of that particle(sati) releases vast amount of turmoil or we can say vibration ,this vibration which occurs in an dark energy particle is referred to as rudra or that which roars ,because roar or loud sound in its essence mean disturbance in the natural state or vibration of a particle. the vibration in the dark matter gives rise to dark energy and particle combined to form a bang and the creation of this universe, this creation in which we are living is not the first one but the 84’th one this is the result of the 84’th roar the universe was previously created and destroyed 83 times this will repeat itself till 108’th bang and after that a completely new count will begin. now in the story kali represents many things but the main is the conservation of energy, as a whole, each and every thing is conserved in this universe, nothing is wasted.

this was the creation of universe now you might be thinking who is the creator, the answer is the creation is the creator itself, quantum physics is also starting to realize this. the creator through its creation sees the beauty of itself and his creation. many of you might start to think if this is so can i create wealth, prosperity and money in life the answer is yes you can do anything but the methods will be written hidden in the chapters, dont worry this chapter has no methods and there will be many methods for different things in life, it is your duty and will to learn and apply. With the creation of universe many other things which were created in subtler dimensions

these dimensions in the Hindu way of spirituality are referred to as lokas ,in total there are 64 lokas if i start to write about these ,these will by itself take a book ,I am planning to write about these also, but i will give you a brief description of these .lokas are subdivided into 4 types out of these 3 are physical 1 is nonphysical i.e it will not be found by any external means ,listening to physical lokas your first thought would be of aliens ,yes aliens are real .living in this vast universe and thinking of ourselves as the only living creatures is a sin ,these beings have visited the earth numerous times ,these beings were called yakshas or beings of extraterrestrial nature , lokas which are nonphysical do not exist in physicality these are of a different nature ,this book will mostly deal with beings of this loka . the creation of these universe or the creation of the first atom is accompanied by the diverse laws which govern it, looking at an atom and universe the basic design is always the same, if a scientist does extensive research on atomic physics ,he is unconsciously researching about the universe ,the knowledge of anything in its full entirety will result in the knowledge of the whole universe ,because the design is same.

For us the biggest question related to the universe and our solar system is what is gravity and what is the cause of its creation , gravity is the result of the motion of subatomic particles with opposite spin ,the motion of electrons with different spins to balance the energy created is the basis of creation of gravity , this might sound arrogant and absurd that I am declaring something which scientist doing extensive research cannot prove, you can either believe it or disbelieve it but my opinion would be to just listen neither believe it nor disbelieve it.


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