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Why is India afraid of China as it avoids taking a categorical stand on Tibet?

When China is interfering in Nepal, why can’t India speak up against China in the South China Sea or Tibet or Hong Kong?

India has always been afraid of China as China is a permanent member (P5) of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and enjoys veto powers due to which India is never able to take a clear, categorical, principled, open, public stand against China on any issue be it Wuhan Virus, Tibet, Nepal, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South China Sea, WHO, Uighur Muslims, Aksai Chin; etc. The Parliament of India (LS and RS) should pass a resolution to demand return of territories like Aksai China (in Ladakh) under illegal occupation of China, Indian territory illegally ceded by Pakistan to China and through which the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) passes. India shouldn’t have allowed the Chinese MNC Huawei for start of 5G trials in India due to security concerns and the fact that it has been banned & barred by many developed countries, viz. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, EU, UK. Latest is that China has signed a big investment, strategic agreement with Iran which puts India’s strategic, business interests with Iran, viz. Chabahar port in which India has made a huge amount of investment; all in jeopardy. China is already developing Gwadar port in Pakistan. China is encircling India by throwing & sharing around its money & influence on India’s neighbours, SAARC countries, viz. Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan; etc. Belt and Road initiative (BRI) also known as One belt one road (OBOR) global project of China which has been accepted and signed on by over 100 countries all around the globe is one such project which aims to make China the numero uno super power in the world. China is already the manufacturing industry for the world as its cheap products have flooded and captured the world market. Nehru’s policy of Panchsheel, Hindi-Chini bhai bhai was one way street to which China never responded positively and took it as India’s weekness and India failed to take a clear stand on the illegal annexation of Tibet by China in 1949 and early 1950’s. India lost badly in war with China in 1962 and China has always been aggressive and is always claiming and occupying Indian territory. China has not recognised Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang as parts of India and is still staking its claim over these and other territories/parts of India on which it shares border/LAC (MacMahon Line) with India. China has illegally occupied territories of its small neighbours, viz. Nepal and Bhutan as well. India as well as the world needs to take note of China’s dangerous expansionist, hegemonic activities, projects and plans. China has taken the ownership and control of Humbantota port developed by it in Sri Lanka as Sri Lanka failed to repay its loans / debt for development, construction of this port by China and Chinese companies. China is adopting the same economic business modus operandi to throw its weight around will all smaller, weak, developing countries including countries in the African continent. All these countries are becoming indebted to China and Chinese companies. India has done one right thing recently by banning 59 Chinese apps recently but India needs to do much more both on bilateral as well as International fronts / spheres for its own self interest and to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity from its inimical neighbours particularly the China and Pakistan., which are forever involved in activities to create problems for a peace loving country like India. China has been a stumbling block for India’s membership of the NSG (Nuclear Suppliers’ Group).

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