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first Choice is Never a Mistake…

We all have faced a condition where we have an option and after choosing our option, we somehow got distracted and  choose the second option, but unfortunately “first one is always correct”.  its like my hobbies to always get confused and change my answer at the last movement. sometimes its because of the answer i hear whispering my classmates around me or sometimes when i recheck my own answer and changed it for no reason. most of the it got wrong And later, the thought always came in my mind that “maybe i didn’t changed it, so i have 2 more marks.” but i never understand the reason and frankly speaking never even tried to. slowly it became unhealthy for my academics. but i did not understand that what is actually the problem. i think it was in 7 class when I’m just done with my English test and submitted the copy. The invigilator is my warden mam. i was first one to submit the booklet before time so, she start looking at it. when i was just about leave the class she called me and said, “come here”!! she took my booklet and told me that look at all the multi pal choice question, you have done right, then why do you cut it and write the wrong answer?i said, “that i got confused when I’m reviewing my answer sheet and did it all over. then she told me the life long lesson…… that your first choice is your true choice, it can not be wrong whether it is on he question paper or in the life. the first choice you make can never be a mistake because it came from the fresh mind and new start, because after reviewing we think about other options too but the first one is that write answer that will be the thing that you need, either you understand it at that time or not.the first choice you make is never a mistake, not just in the question paper but also in the life. the decisions you make will surely affect your life and others around you. that day i got the most valuable lesson of my life.


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