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Not-So-Beautiful Truths Behind The Beauty Industry

Beauty Is As Beauty Does

‘Confidence’ as we call it, when it comes to beauty, I’ve heard women say confidence is what they get by applying beauty products. Is that alright for all of us, is it supposed to give us confidence a non-existent thing or layer of colors extracted from the mines at the cost of minor deaths, it’s still a debatable topic if beauty product were just as beauty standards set by multiple industries that trade our authenticity with make-up products?

Well this is a question for all of us, aren’t good deeds more important than good looks? What I have realized while growing and crossing my teens is that a decent face would go well with good deeds. But social media as exposed to all ages have turned the definition down to admiring the highlighted and painted faces, we see in most of the social media influences handles.

Isn’t having acne, marks, and other skin issues normal? Who takes the responsibility for setting the beauty standards, the media, influencers, or stars that promote products rather than good health mentally and physically natural beauty? Are you still not amazed at listening to people who are giving body positivity lessons and on the other hand promoting buttock workout because that’s trending! In this perfect- seeming world where depression, shame, guilt, and other mental/physical health conditions are hidden under the beauty and surgical industries.


A lot of make-up products that are currently on the market come from the use of child labor in mica mines.

It’s hard to believe that the beauty industry sells us products making us almost believe that we can barely survive without that product and we surely need to buy it because our natural skin is of no good and we need to cover it with layers to attain the standards, erstwhile these beauty products have been doing nothing but making our self-esteem and natural beauty lower and lower.

The Exploitation Behind These Products

Let’s get down to noting the facts of how and where are these made, most of these products are extracted from mines which are found in some particular countries. One of the essentially used minerals that are almost found in every beauty product is mica, and India, in particular, runs one of the biggest mica chains in the world, and the top beauty industries trade without looking into the matter of how it is extracted.

Let me tell you these ‘Mica’ mines are so small from inside that only kids below 15 can enter and extract the mineral, the statics tell that in 2019 around 600 minors were found working almost underground to extract ‘Mica’. Now, who will talk about the fundamental, human, and educational rights of these children in Jharkhand and Bihar? Though there has been some organization working on the ground level to cure the issue they are not enough to save the minor lives. There have been reported around 20-30 deaths every year in the process of extraction.

Wherein when the government officials were reported and deeply addressed about the same, they kept quiet and answered that they were unaware of the same. I certainly believe that the day everyone starts believing in themselves and their natural beauty these beauty industries that are trading our authenticity completely shut down.

This industry should shut down as not only does it affects the mental/physical health of the minors but also the ones applying these products. It sets standards for the one applying them that one needs to look perfect and cove the blemishes under these dirty paints and fake shines extracted by keeping someone’s life to right in danger. It’s high time that we hide the facts now, that good deeds are more important than a beauty standardized face. Let’s start our journey towards beauty is as beauty does.

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