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Opinion: The Callousness Of This Kerala Hospital Points To A Larger Issue Negligence

Covid-19 cases are increasing in our country day by day. From the first case in our country on January 30 to the lockdown period, we now stand helpless waiting for some miracle to happen. The virus is performing tandava (the dance of death) across the world on the rich and poor. In India, we are blaming the infected people for not following the proper guidelines issued by the ministries and for being the reason for spreading the disease.

But is this the truth in all the infected cases in our areas? Have we ever tried to contact a person who is infected with this deadly disease which can affect any person at any time? Not many may have tried. But I would like to share the experience of an infected family in my neighbourhood in Kerala.

Representational image.

The joint family consists of eight people. On June 23, the grandfather was admitted to a private medical college for usual old age-related ailments. As per the guidelines, every medical staff had to take the required tests for Covid-19. But here the officials took no interest in doing so. Later when another person was admitted there with high fever, it took them two days to do the Covid-19 tests. The person tested positive and the hospital was closed for two days.

All the other patients, including the said grandfather, were sent home without any precautions even without informing them about the Covid-19 patient. A few days later, he suffered from fever and body pain and was again admitted but was still not tested for Covid-19. His condition deteriorated and finally, the officials decided to do the test and which came positive. Then they shifted him from there to the Government Medical College allotted for the treatment of Covid-19 patients.

It was then that they advised his family members and other relatives to undergo the Covid-19 test themselves. A week later, he passed away. Five of his family members tested positive. All the neighbours and other relatives were self quarantined and the two children of the grandfather’s family were alone at home without any help. Apart from this, what is worse is since they did not know that they were carriers of the virus, they contacted a lot number of people while the grandfather was in the hospital.

His demise was a great shock for us as he was a great blessing to all the people in our area and not one of us was there to bid him goodbye, not even his children. What greater tragedy can happen to a family and society than this? What wrong did they do to suffer this pain? Apart from all those people who are aware of the truth and are there for support, there is a group of people simply speaking out what “they feel” right about these infected people. According to me, it is wrong.

It’s not just his family that is suffering but it’s all the people who love him who are suffering. Just for ‘money’, just to give the common man the impression that ‘we are doing our best’, most of the private medical colleges are trying to maximize their profits. Money can even make you forget the value of life. It is hard to believe when such things happen to someone whom you know. But you must accept the truth.

Usually, in villages, people share happiness and sorrow. And when a family gets affected, the whole society gets affected not only mentally but also physically.  With Corona, the situation will only worsen with each passing day.

This is just the story of one family. How many more families are out there in different parts of the country are suffering like this, without anyone to support them? The question is – are we safe enough to trust our hospitals which promises us a better and fast recovery? Who should a common man trust? The wealthy and influential people might get what they ask for, but the question is, are our private hospitals providing enough for the common folks? It’s time to think about new policies.

Only because of the mere negligence of some hospitals do some families and society suffer. If not today, when else are we going to point these things out? This situation must change and no one should suffer.

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