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Beti Bachao: Save The Girl Child (From Getting Raped)

Save The Girl Child From Getting Raped

Photo: @samrudhshegde/Twitter

TW: Rape

This is going to be a long thread.

So a week ago, I come across the news of a UP man who cut open his 4-month pregnant wife’s belly just to find the gender of his unborn child. That news took a toll on me personally and like every millennial, I went on social media to rant. Maybe my opinion was too strong that even my friends thought I was wrong. I knew I was going to face a lot of backlash when I posted a story blaming Indian men in general.

All the good guys out there (which I know exist, they just don’t do anything, maybe because they don’t know what to do) were hurt. Some of them took it too personally that they ended up calling me a nazi-feminist. I did not let it bother me.

For every guy who blamed me for my opinion about Indian men, there were three other girls who supported me and agreed with my voice.

*A Week Later*

I wake up to the national news that had caused a lot of chaos in India. The #HathrasGangRape wherein a Dalit girl aged 19 was gang-raped and if that wasn’t enough, her tongue was slit and her spine broken. The Indian police did not even let her parents see their child’s body one last time. They set her body ablaze and cremated her without her family’s consent.

Photo: PTI

Welcome to 2020.

8 years after the barbaric killing of Nirbhaya, we’d hope and pray that none of India’s daughter would have to face a fate like hers ever again. But here we are in the future where amidst the pandemic, men are becoming more savage and vicious than ever.

A time when both the political parties are playing the blame game to crown one nation (my country) India- the rape nation of the world. I talked to my mom the other day about all the emotions I was feeling. I felt sad, I feel grief and pain. I feel the agony- being so helpless that despite wanting to avenge these innocent deaths all I can do is vent on social media.

Today morning, I wake up to the news of yet another rape case in UP. The cherry on top is the attitude of people in India who justify rape. Well let me tell you, both men and women have sexual impulses, I agree that the male libido is higher than the female (as research says) but that doesn’t justify Rape.


A day when everyone in my country understands this and when rapists are tried for capital punishment is the day I long to see.

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