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Humans Vs Global Warming: Who Will Win?

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In the epic battle between humans and global warming, who will win?

Man: (with clenched teeth) I created you. I can destroy you.

Global Warming: Whatever … like, could you hurry up, I have the stuff to do, you know? The temperatures aren’t going to raise themselves!

Man: Listen to me! I will kill you if it’s the last thing I do-besides, you are one. I have an army ( boom, mic drop)

Global Warming: (in a sarcastic tone) Oh My God !!! I am so scared! What will I wear when your army gets here ??? Oh, no !! Thank you, thank you! (accepts fake Oscar)  Really?! I hate to be the one to burst your bubble but look around, buddy. Your army is not interested in anything but themselves. How are YOU going to defeat ME, huh? How? HOW???

Man: I… I … I don’t know … yet! I’ll go now, but I will raise an army and be back soon. You watch!

Global Warming: Yeah, yeah, anytime. Now hurry along. I’m a busy creature. Loads to do – raise temperatures, amplify bushfires, cause a few calamities, take those quizzes to see how much I know about Global Warming…

Man: ( shoots global Warming a funny look)

Global Warming: if you must know, I always fail in those … I’m not proud of it…now go! Bye.

As much as I hate to admit it, global Warming does have a point there (about the army). There are billions of people on Earth, and only a few are involved in fighting it. If we unite and put up a fight, we can win against global Warming, infinity to one.
We all have our problems to deal with. But this is what unites us.

You may be completely different from me; what puts us in the same boat is the fact that you and I are willing to do our bit to help in the fight. It could be the smallest thing – carpooling, switching to CFL bulbs, consuming less meat and dairy, etc. But, all those small things will eventually add up to an ocean of wherewithal to help us in combat.

What matters is whether we are all, together with willing to fight global warming, so that someday the tables might turn and we emerge victoriously.

Global Warming: So … you’re back, eh? Got your “army?”

Man: yup, In fact, 7 billion of them. Earthians… assemble!

Global Warming: I … I th-think it’s time for me to g-go now … byeeeeee!!

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