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The Political Parties That Fail To Win, Blame The Voting Process

Donald Trump

Ballot Battle in America proceeds, but India suffers EVM endemic. It is truly going to be a long, hard, stressful few days, so let us take a minute to discuss the few points from the recently held elections. If ballots are the cause of concern for Donald Trump, the Electronic Voting Machine bothers Rahul Gandhi’s sleep. There is a problem in both the types of voting system.

It’s been reported that Trump’s Justice Department could send ARMED officers to ballot counting venues to investigate alleged voter fraud. Yet the critical point to see is that the game could only matter in Arizona and Georgia (assuming it goes for Biden). The governor in each state can control which slate gets counted. Those are the two Red States with a Republican governor that might cause trouble.

“What causes this change in election results? It had little to do with either team’s campaigning or voters changing their opinions. We can still easily conduct a poll that has Biden up by a large margin. The change in our results was due to a change in methodology,” explained one analyst.

Rahul Gandhi

While this element of argued cheating is present in the voting machines running electronically, different sentiments regarding the use of EVM came during the whole procedure of elections managed by the Election Commission in our big country. However, the opposition leaders do not shy away from levelling charges on the very functioning of the voting machines. Recently, Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi had coined the term MVM for the EVM. Was it his frustration or a complaint? Whatever it may have been, his criticism has surfaced after the news of alleged interference with the said machine.

It is generally debated during the television discussions that the political parties that fail to win the elections blame the machine. If they happen to gain victory in the poll, they do not find any snags in the voting machine. The same aspect appears at the presidential polls in America. The US President got angry and took the help of ballot counting before Joe Biden’s anticipated advance in earning victories in the voting.

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