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Disciplinary Our Emotions Is Not A One-Time Affair But A Constant Monitoring

Life is not about living in logical action or reaction. There are times, perhaps once in a day, when we need to act or react emotionally, and for this, we need to be trained well in using the right emotions in the right ways. I understand that it is not a big deal if we make a slight mistake, but in relationships we face a setback that can hurt our loved ones badly. So, we’re needed to use our emotions appropriately. Just as we need food for stomach, we need emotions to feed a relationship.

Human beings are born to satiate their hearts with close bonding of affection, whether it is with animals or fellow human beings, relationship is integral to society. It is food for heart and stimulation for brains. Displaying the right emotion at the right time and in the right quantity is required if we wish not to suffer a setback.

Disciplinary display of emotions is not a one-time affair. It is a constant monitoring of emotions; monitored in a way as to not manifest and release themselves physically or mentally; monitored in a way that they do not disturb your whole system or your surroundings; neither should emotions be bolted within, least they burst abruptly in an ugly manner.

Disciplinary display of emotions is not a one-time affair. It is a constant monitoring of emotions; monitored in a way as to not manifest and release themselves physically or mentally. Representational image.

In this communication of emotions in the disciplinary way, one has to practice daily — by observation and auto-suggestion — eventually bringing harmony in our physical, spiritual and mental well-being. For this, awareness of our inner happenings is another significant requisite; it is needed to raise the bar of our maturity to the next level.

Just as we need medicines to cure physical illness, silence is needed to concentrate on our emotions. For once and for all, bring all your emotions on one plane, then decipher the uses of them in a day or two, then ask yourself at which point, which emotion has hurt you or your near and dear ones; at which point you were helpless (in such and such situations).

Now think: if the next time such situation arises and you desire a win-win situation then which — and how much, and on whom — will you release your emotion? Throwing emotion sans caution will not work. Using the right emotion, in the right situation will work wonders to you, your relationships, your business-dealings.

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