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In A World Where We Have To Fight Our Own Battles, Love Ourselves Is The Best Solution

In the world of courage and determination, where we have to fight our own battles, loving oneself to the most is the best ever and worthy solution in front of us. As we all know very well, our life goes around transforming ourselves till we discover our full inner potential. While doing this, we sometimes find ourselves in the midst of the storm of thoughts, creating chaos and resulting in feelings of lowness or agony.

We all are social animals and always need some or the other near us to support or entertain us. But, what if you are in a ship, alone, and the ship is sailing automatically by its own somewhere, from which you are unknown? In this situation, you can simply surrender yourself to this Almighty as if He will come and save you somehow or you can get up and look for a compass and a map to first locate yourself, where you are. Once you’ve done this, you will be able to build up some other plan. In the same way, this ship is our life and we need to first find out our real ambition, for without it, we can’t survive in this world. After that, start constructing up a few short goals that will slowly take you to your next step.

All this is true and a brilliant outline of the path to success, but what if you loose all faith and belief you had in yourself? This scenario is so common nowadays, because we ourselves cage us in the fear of becoming others’ entertainment. Here, we should just believe in us as we all know that the best cloth one can adorn is confidence and to have self-confidence, we have to work and invest on ourselves. Yes, now this is your right time. My dear, come out to show this world your real sparkle.

Believe in yourself, and the things and people around you. All are there for some purpose — to create a better you. Remember one last thing, no one, and I mean no one, can make you feel low or bad for you till you love yourself the most. Be your own voice and make your every fear that hinders you shiver.

Love yourself whoever and however you are, as you are real for yourself.

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