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What Sacrifices Should Humankind Make For The Sake Of Humanity?

Homo sapiens are special. Why? Because it takes special traits to conquer a planet comprised of billions of species. Many of whom are stronger, faster, and better equipped than us. We make elephants and tigers dance to our tunes in the circus and hunt sharks for fun. To be a species that is just some million years old on a planet where life thrived billions of years ago, have a dominance of this stature, speaks volumes about our valour and intelligence.

The Probability Of Existence Of Alien Life Is Very High

All this definitely makes us special. Now that we know we are special, what should we do about it? Well, to be frank, we have been doing many things about it for centuries. To name a few, we formed empires, built cities, made democracy possible, walked the moon, and made nuclear bombs. To be a part of a universe, of which only the observable part has a diameter of more than ninety billion light-years, our accomplishments are but a drop in an ocean.

Considering the size of the universe, the probability of the existence of alien life is very high. With all possibilities, they are more developed than us, and even after all our accomplishments, we are not ready for their visit. We don’t even have enough equipment to harness one-millionth of the Sun’s energy that we receive in the form of light and heat. Ninety-five percent of the universe is dark energy and dark matter, of which we know nothing.

We need superhumans to accomplish these tasks. ‘Designer babies’ made the news recently, as expected, the news was bashed and ridiculed. People started questioning the parameters of equality. A child born with desired engineered traits will have an advantage over normal children. Now, based on these arguments, should the developments on such projects be halted? Nature, at its core, is not just. Several species have been thriving for millions of years not because they promote equality, but because they decide which of their children should live and which not.

Are We Setting Wrong Examples In The Quest For Equality?

A weak child, born with disability or sickness, is of no use to either its parents or herd. The strongest of a herd is fed first and given the largest share from a kill. Quoting Raskolnivok, from crime and punishment, “Men are indeed divided into two categories, one is inferior and the other is superior.” Reddit CEO resigning from his post asking for a black man to fill his post, giving Oscars to movies just because they promote harmony, are some instances where we are wrong-headed in our quest for equality.

Reddit CEO resigned from his post asking for a black man to fill his post in light of the recent BlackLivesMatter protest

Our love for equality has made us take some weird decisions. Girls in armed forces, reserved shares for women in parliament, or boycotting a movie just because there weren’t enough black actors in it. Our purpose here is not just mere survival. We have, at our disposal, an almost infinite universe. It cannot be studied with emotions. Human survival should be of utmost importance.

If eating meat gives us even the slightest of the edge in terms of cognitive aptitude or protein, then vegetarianism should not be promoted. Every playing a crucial role in the environment, like bees help in pollination. Say at some time in the future, if humans found a way to have more crops without the aid of bees, then the killing of bees because of the radiations of towers should not be a matter of concern for us. There should be rules that separate superior and inferior people.

Elon musk’s work should not be halted because of a lockdown. If a designer baby is superior to other children and only a handful of people would be able to afford it, then too it should be celebrated by humanity. Maybe, one day, one of these designer babies would decipher the world of dark matter and dark energy. Neanderthals were wiped out by homo sapiens, Aryans killed many indigenous people. They just got rid of the people who couldn’t adapt to the changes, thus giving earth people who were more competent than other species.

Sometimes nature plays its part too in form of plagues, people with stronger immune systems survive and pass on their strong genes. Why Europe succeeded in making scientific progress and imperializing the rest of the world is still debated. One theory is that Aryans who made their way to Asia bred with indigenous people and thus formed lesser competent people.

The universe is waiting to be explored, Sun’s energy to be harnessed, dark energy to be understood, and dark matter to be used. Human emotions need to take a back seat and let those, who are worthy, lead us. Irrespective of gender, caste, or creed, everyone should be given a chance (without reservations or relaxations). The world does not need the first woman US president or the first black Miss World. It needs those who understand the need of the hour and take firm and bold decisions.

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