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Where do people who promote interfaith marriages go wrong ?

Interfaith marriage, generally defined as marriage between two people of different faiths or religion, is not something new to India. Sanatan dharm, which originated in india, paved way for many other religions such as Budhism and Jainism. Emperors had been using marriages as a tool for consolidating their power since the mahajanpada era. The advent of Islam in India also witnessed the continuation of this tactic. Mughal rulers’ matrimonial ties with the Rajputs made them undisputed rulers of the Northern India. Mediaeval period witnessed the rise of Christiany and Islam in Europe and Middle East respectively. India never had any such crusades. Bhakti movement was more of a way of presenting the Sanatan dharam in a purified way, devoid of any differences based on caste or creed, rather than converting anyone. Fast forward to twenty first century India, home to Eighty percent hindus, fourteen percent muslims, and remainder of other religions like Sikhism, Budhism and even Jews. India is a developing nation, carrying trillions of dollars of economy on her shoulder. In the age of Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and watsapp, it is very easy our youth to forget their roots. What they feel trivial, might be of utmost importance to someone else. Our forefathers fought tooth and nail against conversations. They made the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect their religion and beliefs. It is these emotions that should be taken care of while promoting inter-faith marriages in public. Indian law never prohibits two adults marrying each other with mutual consent, irrespective of their individual religion or belief. This does not give right to anyone to promote interfaith marriages publically. The rich history of thousands of years comes with a price. Emotions of individuals should be respected. The ignorance of our youth on such sensitive issues shows how the changes in last twenty years or so have made them so myopic that they cannot see anything beyond it. We are a product of decisions taken by people before us, we owe our survival to them. The modern world gives us rights and liberty, but that should not be boasted of by standing on the shoulders of emotions of a large part of our population.

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