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How Big Is The Universe And How Significant Are We?

Somewhere in the universe, there is a small blue planet called Earth — the third rock from a star called the Sun. It is just one out of a billion stars in a spiral galaxy known as the Milky Way. Research has shown that there are 200 billion galaxies like ours in this cosmos. We can see the entire Universe as an intricate network of galaxies, literally as a cosmic web. Some parts of the universe are dark and void, while others are densely packed with billions of galaxies in a region known as the Superclusters. Superclusters are the largest structures in the Universe. Our Milky Way galaxy appears on one such supercluster known as Laniakea.

As a human being, we are just a tiny mote in this gigantic universe, even negligible. The Universe, on its own, holds several mysteries. Researchers and scientists struggle to define when they were born, how they were born and what happened from the outset. In a nutshell, they struggle to assert where one ends and the other begins. The black hole hits at the top of the list of mysteries out of the crowd.

Oh, the black hole — the beautiful monster. Would you guys like that? Then, lemme know below.

Ta-da, bye.

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