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The Crown Has Many Lessons, Even For Those Who Don’t Wear It

The Crown

It was 3 years ago when I first stumbled upon The Crown while searching for something to binge. I had evening shifts in office, so I wanted a series that would successfully keep me hooked. As the episodes rolled, I realised how big a feast it was. It is not only about palatial abode, where the Queen rests and takes quick decisions. There are more significant truths kept hidden or classified for obvious reasons.

We should take it as a lesson that life isn’t fair, even to the Queen.

The Crown has many lessons. It made me realise how life is equally harsh for even the “Queen”. Right from childhood to her coronation ceremony, things are uncertain and challenging, especially as a woman. Her relations with the family, citizens, politicians and others is always something new. 

Hers is a place marked by loneliness and deep focus on duties. No matter how much we deny this fact, I believe that the “Crown” has more than the Queen’s luxurious lifestyle. It has many things in common to a common man. The only difference is that she is the Queen in whose names big political decisions are taken and we struggle our way through life’s difficult terrain.

We should take it as a lesson that life isn’t fair, even to the Queen. However, as easy as it might seem, you should never lose hope. We all learn with time and age and become better and eventually the best version of ourselves. 

Those of you who have seen it, the Queen wasn’t a very learned or enlightened individual when she began. Despite being in such an influential position, she kept searching for the better version of herself. She learnt politics, manoeuvring, diplomacy, managing relations and what it meant to be Queen. 

We all have our respective journeys and we must enjoy life to the fullest while respecting our struggles and challenges that have made us who we are today.

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