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Using Cramp Comfort Patches As An Alternative To Traditional Hot Bags And Bottles

Cramp Comfort Pouch

Menstruation is a monthly biological exercise of bleeding for most of us menstruators, during which many of us might experience several physiological and emotional hindrances. Most menstruators have a tough time dealing with menstruation since it plays out differently for everyone. 

Menstruation disorders aren’t uncommon either. PCODPMDDPME and other such disorders cause discomfort and make menstruating an incredibly uncomfortable task for menstruators. Menstrual cramps and pelvic pain are some of the most common symptoms of Dysmenorrhea. These cramps are characterised by throbbing and aching in the lower abdomen. These pains can be sharp and for some of us, they can be deemed as annoying. These can occur before your periods and during your menstrual cycle. 

Cramp comfort patches are an effortless alternative to traditional hot bags and bottles.

The best way to treat these cramps without medicine would be heat and most menstruators grow up applying hot bags or hot water bottles, but unfortunately, these forms of heat can’t be carried around everywhere and can’t be easily used whenever needed but the Cramp Comfort Patches can. These patches are the latest in the market and are taking the markets by storm. 

Cramp relief seems to be on every menstruator’s mind and these patches help with pain relief and comfort. They are inspired by our favourite hot bags and hot water bottles and take the idea of pain relief to another level. They are designed to fit us snugly and can be used for longer than 6 hours. They are also made of natural ingredients. They relax our muscles, which help us with our menstrual flow and help our cramps diminish in intensity.

These patches can be disposed of as fertilisers for plants after their usage, making them more incredible than most hot water bottles we use because plastic bottles take years to be recycled. Hot bags generally increase waste and aren’t the best options for reducing waste. 

Usage of these pads is recommended when you have moderate to mild period cramps. They are also easily activated by air. They will help make your periods less painful and more comfortable because they fit in your underwear rather easily and effectively. 

Using these patches is fairly simple. The first step to using these patches requires opening one patch packet. Then the step that follows is that of placing this patch on your underwear. That’s all. The last step is to sit back and relax. These patches heat up on their own and can provide comfort for a long time.

Unfortunately, these patches do come with some restrictions. One of them is not sleeping with a patch and the other being not using more than one patch in 24 hours. Skin irritability caused due to these patches can be a hindrance as well. Checking it frequently can be a struggle at times and might lead to irritability. 

The cost of these patches is more than that of hot bags and since one packet can only be used once, it is slightly on the more expensive side of menstrual products. Hot water bags can be used several times and are extremely affordable and perhaps the cheapest method of applying heat after hot water baths. These patches cannot help with severe menstrual pain and can’t be used overnight as well. 

Cramp comfort patches are an effortless alternative to traditional hot bags and bottles, and though it has cons, the pros outweigh the cons of using these patches. These patches can be found on Nua’s website and Amazon as well.

By Olipriya Roy

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