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Tirath Singh Rawat On America Ruling India For 200 Years, Encouraging People To Have 20 Kids

Was it a slip of tongue? It was uttered in a forceful dose of distinct perception. It was historically inaccurate. However, this historical reality remains vague, with several authorities believing it to be entirely unbelievable. No written records of such a period prevails in our great country’s history. Even the British did not rule over India for 200 years. When did America rule India? It is beyond the scope of history. How has a leader thought of American rule?

It is currently dictating terms trough its military power. Covid-19 has definitely frightened the American people. Even its strength cannot hold the spread of the disease. Many of us won’t have any impression of the fact that universally, within an ordinary 12-month year, around 151,600 people died every single day. That’s almost two people dying every second of a minute.

America can only curse China for the deadly virus, but it can initiate nothing substantial. It can only move with its carrot-and-stick policy. It seems that the more advanced a country, the more risk it is facing at the hands of the fatal virus. Likewise, our well-off states such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc. have fallen into a toxic spate again.

Credit: Facebook/Tirath Singh Rawat

It needs to be quoted what Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat stressed: अन्य देशों के तुलना में भारत कोरोना संकट से निपटने के मामले में बेहतर काम कर रहा है। वहीं अमेरिका, जिसने हमें 200 साल तक गुलाम बनाए रखा और दुनिया पर राज किया, वर्तमान समय में संघर्ष कर रहा है।अमेरिका ने हमें 200 साल तक गुलाम बना कर रखा था। रावत यही नहीं रूके, ब्रिटेन की जगह अमेरिका का नाम लेते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि अमेरिका के राज में सूरज डूबता नहीं था। पूरे दुनिया पर उसका राज हुआ करता था (“As compared to other countries, India is successfully fighting against the virus. While America, on the other hand, which ruled us and the world for over 200 years, is struggling against the virus.” Rawat continued saying that it was America, instead of the British, who ruled the world and where sun would never set.)।

Another significant point indicated by the state chief minister was: तीरथ सिंह रावत ने कहा कि कोरोना काल में सरकार की ओर से हर घर में प्रति यूनिट 5 किलो राशन दिया गया। जिनके 10 थे उनको 50 किलो, 20 थे तो क्विंटल भर राशन दिया गया। फिर भी जलन होने लगी कि 2 वालों को 10 किलो और 20 वालों को क्विंटल भर मिला। इसमें जलन कैसी (Tirath Singh Rawat also said that the state government gave 5kg of ration per unit during the pandemic. Families of 10 received 50kg while families of 20 people received a quintal. Still, there was jealousy that those with two children received 10kgs while those with 20 received only a quintal. But what is this jealousy)?

He was unconditionally perfect in making a direct strike at human jealousy. If the grains procured by a large family reduce in weight for a small family, it cannot be an envious matter, he pointed. However, he didn’t seem to have missed the message of a large family for those coming under the majority community.

It is because of this reality he asked why one didn’t think of having 20 kids instead of merely two? (समय था तो आपने 2 ही पैदा किए 20 क्यों नहीं पैदा किए।) Is begetting 20 kids possible? The number someway hints at having more children in a family. This strategy has an objective in our great country.

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