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Five Ways of Teaching Students What Empathy Means

The concepts of empathy and sympathy get jumbled up frequently. In most cases, students often get confused up between the two terms ‘empathy’ and ‘sympathy’. This article will attempt to discuss the explanatory definitions of the terms, the concepts themselves, and their kinds. Additionally, it shall also be throwing some light on the techniques through which a teacher can make their students learn about it.

An individual that reads and listens well expresses a good amount of patience, and in turn, empathy. Representational Image.

What is Empathy?

Empathy simply refers to the ability to acknowledge and understand an individual’s emotional state or situation. In easier words, empathizing can be explained as considering things from someone else’s perspective and mental state. For instance, an individual empathizes with someone when they try to put their feet in the individual’s shoes. It is primarily the sense or feeling that one gets after imagining themselves in someone else’s circumstances or situation through which they are going through.

Types of Empathy

The concept of empathy has been categorized into three types– affective, somatic, and cognitive empathy. An individual may experience any kind from the three mentioned. Considering the fundamentals of psychology, a person may or may not experience more than one type of empathy at a single point in time. This indirectly depends on the situation, circumstances, and state.

Empathy v/s Sympathy

As discussed earlier in the blog, the term simply refers to acknowledging, understanding, and experiencing someone else’s situation. Whereas, on the other hand, sympathy is a slightly distinguished concept of human behavior. We sympathize by participating in someone’s emotional situation for their adversity, mischance, or mishap. Therefore, sympathizing and empathizing both are very different concepts that are misconnected very often.

Personal, deep, and one-to-one talk with a student about their situations may build the feeling of empathy. Representational Image.

Identifying an Empathetic Student

There are a few signs and points to consider that helps to identify the ability of empathy in an individual. One can very easily recognize an empathetic person by considering the below points.

 How to Measure Empathy

It is an essential attribute of human behaviour has the person has to identify, acknowledge, and understand the fellow person’s emotions. The major reason why empathy is considered an important ability is that it supports us to respond appropriately.

The most reliable, efficient, and effective methodology to measure it in students is the Questionnaire for Cognitive & Affective Empathy (QCAE).  This assessment focuses on measuring the ability adequately. Another assessment to measure this ability is the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI).

Teaching Students What Empathy Means

Teaching students about the ability to empathize is a very essential lesson. Students should surely be aware of empathy, sympathy, and other vital attributes of human behaviour. It is vital to cultivate and nurture it before a certain age (before or during adolescence) in students.

The development of such attributes will ultimately help the students, in the long run, to succeed in their school, university, and professional life. Educational institutions often focus more on the academic perspective of education. Nevertheless, lessons like these are often missed in the curriculum of the students. Therefore, we should always consider teaching out-of-the-box skills that result in a very positive outcome.

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