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“Gen Z Just Needs A Little Push To Bring Out Their Inner Leader”

protest india student leaders

The question of what the generation after Gen Z will look like makes me curious. The generation so restless, powerful, intrigued, the protagonist of their own stories and ready to lead change.

My two cents, nothing can outshine what this generation has to offer. The youth is moulding itself at an equal pace as the world is moving forward and in the process, there will be errors and irregular structures, but the outpouring will be the result of the whole process.

This generation is fearless and some only require a little push to bring out their inner leader.

There is no difference between the word variety and Gen Z. You will find leaders and followers, silent observers and loud participants. Young people now want to be heard and understood. Everyone has their point and perspective and none of them is easy to deny.

Men, along with women, want to be politically engaged too. It’s not about following the crowd anymore or adapting viewpoints that are not yours after all, but learning everything and putting up questions along with solutions constructed already. This generation is not afraid to choose a path of their own.

Now the biggest platform to discover what this generation talks about is social media. Any party willing to connect with the youth has to enter these communities. It is a large space with its own type of positive and negative.

Some try to start a conversation and some quietly observe it; some come up with little/half-knowledge and some come with none. It can be a lot to deal with, but it is one of the strongest ways. Whatever it may be, it shows the eagerness to know and be involved in everything.

With the world moving forward so rapidly, it needs a balanced future; moving but has its roots connected to the ground. As a society that will lead the future from different paths like technology, agriculture, politics, art, entertainment, fashion, medical, etc., we will have to analyze what it takes to be the responsible ones.

Taking the future into our hands does not necessarily require everything to be replaced but renovated to move forward — a modification that keeps in mind the culture, people and nature.

This generation is fearless and some only require a little push to bring out their inner leader. With so much happening around and inside the country, there develops an eagerness in everyone to question themselves — “What would I do if I were to lead people for a day?”

All of us have been there and have had pretty artistic and life-changing ideas. In order to know what the youth wants, ask the youth. Isn’t that simple?

But to every growth, there is required a regimented opinion that brings us discipline and calms us down from the conspicuously overwhelmed state. We are all allowed to have opinions, ideas and questions, but knowing the right place and words to speak prompts us to become a much bigger person. We can feel omniscient now, but when we reach the real position of sitting on a chair and making decisions, it can make us quite agitated.

Therefore, to avoid being despicable and become capable enough to make a change when it is our time, we need to observe, understand and make use of our fields in the right way. Our wrong convictions may change and they should if they give birth to an exquisite leader in us. We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.

So let us give momentum to our voices, stories, and passion in the right way and direction while we move forward and grow as a society.

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