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Round 2 Of The Lockdown Bringing You Down? Here Is How To Beat The Pandemic Blues!

None of us saw this coming when we made our future plans to travel, to check things off of our bucket list, or to launch our dream ventures. Some of us were unlucky enough to launch something new right before the pandemic and had to shut down prematurely with uncertainty looming large over future prospects. In a bleak scenario like this, with doubts and apprehension more common (and reasonably so), how do we move forward and remain mindful.

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Suggested below are some of my methods for navigating through this pandemic:

Choose What You Need To Know!

It’s good to remain aware of daily stats and news related to covid-19 but is it necessary to remain hooked 24/7? If you are someone who has recently lost a job and are looking for new opportunities, you will fare better in your search if you first take a break from all social media for at least a week to detox and feel better. Go back to childhood habits that brought you joy and made you more optimistic about life. If you can afford to take a longer break, please do so. 

Don’t Change Yourself To Fit In With The New Normal

there’s a lot of pressure on group calls, chats and video calling to remain in touch with friends and family. Excessive communication can take a toll on introverts. It’s important to understand that we are all programmed differently and social anxiety is still a reality for countless people and not everyone wants to actively communicate. If someone needs space, please respect their choices and boundaries. Don’t expect them to change just because there is a pandemic going on.

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Do Something Other Than Worrying

Easier said than done but it is what we need to do to ensure self care and a calm mind. Avoid listening to sad music, reading sad books, or getting worked up because of conspiracy theories. Unless you see some merit in what you are spending time on, avoid it and replace it with a habit that makes you feel good about yourself at the end of the day.

Social Media For Good

If you must spend time on social media, do so with an intention to learn something new from the various helpful resources available online, posted by experts in their field. This is a great time to brush up on skills. Be a volunteer and contribute in a meaningful way to any initiative that speaks to your soul.

Online Courses

 Various universities and organizations have opened up online learning programs that will give an edge to your professional skills and make you eligible for new roles and responsibilities. Do your research and find out what’s best suited to your career goals and is aligned with your innate passion and vision for living a good life.

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What we can accomplish as a group of like minded individuals, we seldom can alone. Find an existing group to be a part of or create one, if you believe you are better off as a leader.

Get to Know Yourself

Take personality tests online and find out more about yourself, your love languages, your mbti or anything else that makes you aware about your real needs and desires. It’s a fun way to know your likes and dislikes.


 It may seem like something difficult but it’s actually not. If you are new to this, just search for meditation music (such as rain sounds and koshi bells) and that is how you get started. Listen to it daily. It will reduce your anxiety levels and you will find yourself feeling calmer in situations you never thought you would be. It’s not about meditating in the morning or night, but taking 20 mins out of your day, at any time to relax and shut off the outward noise and the inner dialogue that stops your growth.

These are only a few things to try. The list can be a long one but this is a good place to be in, if you get the above practices in place and make them a part of your lifestyle. Change who you are and life will change to match the new you.

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