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Ways In Which We Can Take Care Of Our Mental Health During The Pandemic

A girl holding her head which shows emotional stress due to a lack of commercial self care.

Representational image.

With stay-at-home orders, unemployment, and infection,  the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. As the Coronavirus spreads, public health actions such as isolation and social distancing are necessary to reduce the spread, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can also increase stress and anxiety, worsening our mental health. The Coronavirus has upended our daily routines, future plans, and lifestyles. Our new reality poses a unique set of challenges for all of us. This is the time to do all we can to protect our own mental health as well as of those we love. Taking care of ourselves is important, so that we are equipped to help our families through these tough times.

Listed below are things we can do to strengthen our mental health during the pandemic:

Reading books is a great way of spending time and exercising our brains during the ample free time we have in the lockdown. Representational Image.

Along with these, we need to remind ourselves that it will end someday, even if we might not have a clear end date. We will definitely return to our regular lives in the days to come.

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