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judgment or entitlement .

We as humans have a natural tendency to judge others ,right? we judge people on the basis of their looks ,their speaking skills, their choices in life ,their bank balance, etc. we all have been there haven’t we ,we all at some point judged somebody for some or the other reasons and we all knew as well that its wrong to judge somebody without knowing them or their background but we still did it just because it gave us some sort of contentment .So in our mind we judge others and it makes us feel that we are above them in any sense or it builds a basis for comparison to that person in terms of looks, their habits and many more things. Now as I’ve grown into somewhat wiser than before (that is how I feel about myself),I now feel its very wrong and unethical to judge somebody just for some seconds of gratification and some sort of entitlement like we are better than others ,whereas we as humans are all imperfect in some or the other things and that is what makes us special. Everybody at some point in their life must have looked at someone and said why are they dressed that way or why are his /her clothes dirty or why does he or she wears the same clothes again and again, but who are we to think of all that in mind about another person ,how does their looks or clothes affect us or our life in any way ,its just that we are so used to judge others that we have forgotten to be kind and respectful towards others. when we judge we don’t judge them but we actually judge ourselves in what kind of person are we becoming. So stop judging others and live peacefully how you want to live, how will you feel if somebody judges you or passes some kind of remark ,you will obviously feel devastated ,right, that is exactly how a person feels when people judge him/her. So next time you see somebody ,and you start to judge them ,take a moment and say its wrong and I shall not be doing it.

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