Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Making innocent creatures more progressive.

To give them recognition is what we want.

Education is the key to success and the one who understands this particular thing is always successful. ‘Pehchaan The Street School’ is a non-profit organization which provides free education to the underprivileged children and always encourages, support to the individuals who are in need of education. Education is powerful and it gives you strength to face the world. It’s not feasible and easy to get quality education for every child and due to lack of knowledge, awareness, poor parents don’t send their children to the school but we care. We want to tell them about the significance of education and its advantages. Who doesn’t understand the value of education? Poor parents think that they shouldn’t send their children to the school because they need money to survive and their children should go outside in order to work and earn money.

We need to convince them and it’s significant to do so for the better future of our nation. We need to develop and education is the basic development. More educated people mean more opportunities, developments, progress, good results. Quality education is necessary for each and every child for a better, secure future. We always hope for a good today, better tomorrow and best future. Every child is special and deserves good things in life. Perfection doesn’t come in a day but consistent efforts can change anyone’s perspective and anyone can change his/her life positively.

‘Pehchaan’ is here. Where are you? Come and join us as we are here to help innocent children and their parents by providing them more opportunities and quality education. Quality education makes children better individuals and progressive. Let’s give ‘PEHCHAAN’ (recognition) to them.

Join our organization and observe the positive changes in you and around you. Bring the change by becoming the change.

You can like and follow the official account of ‘Pehchaan The Street School’ on the respective platforms.


Google: Pehchaan The Street School

Indraprastha Metro Station, Delhi 110001

097117 18972

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Pehchaan The Street School











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