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Pehchaan The Street School Helping Underprivileged Kids

Before introducing ourselves, we want to know how many of you have got the chance to get an education? You are happy because you are educated and have knowledge but think about the individuals who don’t have access to education. Many children want to fly high and have high aspirations in life but cannot afford it. Due to a lack of money and resources, many children are left uneducated.

To learn is to worship.

‘Pehchaan, The Street School’ wants to help the children who don’t get the chance to study, and we provide free education to the underprivileged children. It’s essential to encourage them to study for their good future and convince their parents to send them to us to perform well. Education has always been the fundamental right, and still, many are left uneducated due to lack of resources, but they can get a quality education if help is provided to them.

Donations and funds are beneficial for us as we make things much better for them. They become happy when they get presents and surprises. We always give them awards after their excellent performances. Children at ‘Pehchaan’ are very bright and have a keen interest in studies. They want to perform good, and we always appreciate them doing so. Their good performances encourage us to do even perform better at our work. They are always cheerful and ready to learn new concepts, subjects etc. Moreover, one can become more confident and skilled if one works consistently. We invite you to join ‘Pehchaan’ and learn things much better so that you can know more about yourself and these innocent creatures who are jovial.

The one who believes in himself can do wonders in life, and it’s very much necessary to work hard, so that good things are achieved. One should never compromise with their goals, and that’s why we are here to help. Growing professionally and learning new skills are very much necessary. Hope can give strength to perform better, and the optimistic one always gives good performances. You can get the latest information, updates about ‘Pehchaan’ by clicking on the respective links.


Work is always appreciated.


Google: Pehchaan The Street School

Indraprastha Metro Station, Delhi 110001

097117 18972

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