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Content is our Hero

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Within a weeks’ time, 9 months of 2021 will be over, but it seems like we had just started with it. Yet, certain things or situations seem to be the same as 2020; yes, the virus is still there, natural disasters are continuing, the economy hasn’t improved much & WFH (Work from Home) scenarios with our comfy pajamas continue. Dressing up for a gathering or a wedding is just a dream for me!!! I wonder if I ever will be fitting in my skinny jeans again?

Nonetheless, one thing that is rapidly changing is; how our social media is functioning 24/7 and innovating every single day. Few years down the lane, when I completed my Executive MBA, the only vacancies I could hear of were for analysts, business strategists, or HR. Sales or Marketing being the most creative of all; because selling a product or service you don’t believe in, is an Art. Perhaps, there was neither a Creator nor a Content word to be heard in the market.

Time and again, we have seen how marketing strategies have played an important role in any business. From the era of radio, silent movies to a revolutionary period of Television, these strategies were built to attract more consumers and increase their business. Undoubtedly, the television industry ruled for decades and is still in the market, but the ones who created materials to entertain or inform made more profits than those who invented the medium.


Way back in 1996, when Bill Gates said “Content is the King,” he was way ahead of his time to understand this and foresee the Future. He also mentioned that “For the Internet to thrive, content providers must be paid for their work. The long-term prospects are good, but I expect a lot of disappointment in the short-term as content companies struggle to make money through advertising or subscriptions. It isn’t working yet, and it may not for some time.”

“Content is King” — Essay by Bill Gates 1996 | by Heath Evans | Medium

Times have changed, and so has the need; hence all that we hear now is CONTENT.

So, what is Content? Materials that we create to entertain, inform, educate or inspire others is Content. To do all of this, we use different mediums to reach our audience. With the internet and Social media, we have created a massive direct connection between the creators and the audience. It is no more subjected to TV or print media but an ocean full of Apps and websites to reach our audience.

And if may I ask, what do we do these days? Nothing but search that perfect Content in the market that entertains/pleases us. Yes, the fields are jammed, but the best and the most creatively offered attracts us the most. Did we ever imagine that 2020 would be the perfect time for newborn creators across the globe? Nah! Not me.


Our Smart gadgets that are flooded with Apps are not just applications but an opportunity to showcase our talent and reach across borders. These platforms have created Publishers, Promoters, and Purchasers, not just artists. With these different mediums, we have surpassed the barriers of; Approvals, Editors, and Investors to a certain extent.

But to what extent human brains are capable of consuming information that is just flowing at the tip of a touch. We are stuffed with information in this digital era, or better to say with CONTENT; print, online & offline, advertisements, hoardings, malls, streets, blogs & radio/podcasts. You name it, and it’s available. Books, Thesis, Case studies, or Inventions are not just subjected to libraries anymore.

The sole purpose of inventing a ‘search engine’ was to provide information about anything and everything at a ‘CLICK.’ They are not just providing info or links to the Content of our choice but is analyzing our behavior and preferences; door to door surveys are the bygones. These tools or technology or the Content that is made available is now ruling our minds.

And here’s another piece of information that I read the other day, “That Human Brain is loaded with 34 GB (gigabytes) of information, a sufficient quantity to overload a laptop within a week.” (As per the researchers at the University of California-San Diego). Fascinating, isn’t it? Although the research was done a few years back. Definitely, the numbers might have increased. If you wish to read the article, the link is given below:

The Human Brain is Loaded Daily with 34 GB of Information | Tech 21 Century

Content is everywhere, or shall I say we breathe ‘Content.’ It’s been created every second & loading us with all sorts of unnecessary details. Don’t these facts disturb you or leave an enigma?


OTT (Over-the-top-media service) is on the rise, and artists such as writers, filmmakers & directors are overwhelmed to showcase their ideas without any Censors. So, here it is, yet another flaw of self-promoting our Content. This leads to another question, to what extent are we willing to show the explicit Content? Do we really need the adultery Content?

In the form of an audience, are we willing to inhale the right amount and type of Content or take in what & how much ever comes in? Reading the information at various platforms and dividing it into Essential, Most Essential and Not Applicable is a task for our brains. By the time I publish this article, tons of Content will be produced. In this Content world, the End game lies in our hands what & how much to breathe in.

Indeed, even I am a member of this Gig economy; who inhales the right proportion of Content daily. And I believe this is the time for all the creators out there; to keep creating something original and unique to inspire others and not just influence others.


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