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Is Online Anti-Women Hate Spilling Over Into Real World Violence?

Just type on google- hatred against women or simply killing by incel, the list of articles that just pop up will make you realize that the virtual world has finally made it into the real world.

The irony is we all knew that this could surely happen if left unchecked. We all know for sure that when it comes to women, any expression of small disaffection can translate into murder, or worse, a serial killer. So why this hate was not taken seriously?

Feminism is here to stay

After the year 2011 when feminism has made its mark and social media was evolving, the push back against feminism became the focal point after a few years. More and more feminists started pointing fingers at societal norms that victimized women to the point it becomes severe criticisms of men. So, social media became the tool for men to demonize feminists.

Feminism became the focal point to prove how men are the real victims. This victimization of men became so convincing that all major magazines and newspapers started publishing pieces that how feminists were wrong on so many fronts that feminists slowly started losing their credibility.

What is more shocking than these articles were often written by women who were hell-bent on proving that men suffer too much which women cannot understand. Men have to look after the family, so he is a victim. Men have to earn money or he has to work hard in their profession, so he is a victim. The victimization reached its zenith when slowly men started making everyone believe that things that make men wield so much power but also create problems for them are due to the fault of women. For example, it became so normal to state that more men die during their jobs and these statements were taken at face value without even considering the real scenario of life.

In the previous nine years, all major publishers around the world whether newspapers or magazines have published one article after another very casually trying to prove that feminism hurt men very badly. In India, the last decade was also the same for the fate of feminism. Even this platform youth ki awaaz has played its part to display men as victims. Articles from the male point of view stating how difficult a man’s life is when he has to earn for the family and how more easy a woman’s life is has been published by youth ki awaaz to make an effort for a balanced view.

But were the articles represented balanced view. Whether it was an international publisher or this platform, all were aware of how faulty assumptions and arguments were made to present their side. What is saddening that never once the writers of these articles were called upon by the publishing platforms?

If a man dies in the course of his job, what is the role of women in this? Can she stop a man from even doing a job, so why she should be responsible for playing sympathy for men for sake of humanity or to satiate the ego of men? But the publishing platforms never questioned them. Well, attempts of mass murder as well as the murder of women based on hate ideology have begun in America, Britain, and Europe has begun already and trials in court are underway.

I am asking this platform also, what will you do when you validate somebody’s hate ideology by publishing them and that somebody kills women the next day, what will be your response? Let alone responsibility, will you feel remorse. Make no mistake, violence based on men traumatized by women and supported by media is on its way.

Even in religious ideologies, men are the main point. A Muslim man was killed, a Muslim daughter’s father was killed, but nowhere Muslim women reality becomes the center. For thousands of years, men have killed men in the guise of various ideologies with or without the support of any media, so why their voice or point of view is so important that needs to be published. Will publishing their voices against women or feminists will stop any kind of violence on this earth? A big no.

In a supposed incidence, a woman harassed a man or a woman filed a fake case against a man and the man needs to vent his victimization on any media to prove the evilness of woman, the media is ever ready. If a woman files a fake case, does it destroy a man’s life? No media asks real questions. Even if the case filed by women is false, legally the job of the man cannot be taken away until proved otherwise. No media will point out that the woman has taken court where you have a fair chance to fight back. So why to be feel victimized to the point of hatred.

Men in real life whether good or bad is never fair to their mother, sister, wife, or daughter for most of his life. The reason is society never mandates that and nowadays media is always on the side of men. A survey in England claims that one in three men suffers abuse at the hands of women. Just look up at google. This survey in itself is hilarious.

It ignores the reality that men very easily feel abuse at the hands of women. The wife did not cook for me, so a man is abused, my mother was busy working so a man is abused even when the father is an absentee. The exaggeration of all is men are not respected enough even when men protect women.

You will never find an article that will explicitly challenge men and debunk them as to how they most of the time fail to protect women. You don’t need science to prove, history has enough evidence. But don’t talk about 2000 years of history, because in history when men were playing the part of protectors of women, women suffered the most cruelty man has to offer.

The same goes for the concept of a housewife. Till the mid of 20th century most women were housewives, so did it bring progress and peace in society? The answer is housewife is a big failure. For most of the centuries men were never happy and were always violent and abusive for even small reasons. So why do media houses publish articles supporting housewife concept for women when history itself is the proof and even science research cannot change that.

A man has rightly pointed out on social media when men start hating women and being validated in any form become Taliban of Afghanistan. The Taliban are the incels live in action. A man who is violent in society has strong hatred against women and apparently, the housewife concept enhances hatred against women. But men are so helpless in life that their voices need to be heard even when they are victims of their own choices and system.

Well, congratulations to the media as well this platform your desire to give voice equally to men is now giving spectacular results. The hate-filled ideology of man for a woman is becoming more dangerous day by day and mass killing of women has already started.  Men has always enough voices to stand against everything that threatens them, so why the sympathy card to the point where men’s false claims become real.

In the next few years, if Indian media does not stop backing men who love to feel traumatized by women, the Indian society will be worse for the killing of women by men. Make no mistake, the danger is at the doorstep.

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