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Top 7 Most Effective Lung Exercises for People With COVID-19

Effective Lung Exercises

Prolonged exhalation exercises, opening the chest to control breathing … not only help Covid-19 patients but also everyone improves lung function. This exercise can also be used in case of fatigue, chronic respiratory function decline, relief of symptoms of shortness of breath, anxiety, and depression, physical and mental improvement due to stressful working processes, castle. These exercises are like gymnastics, so you can practice a few times a day, each movement about 8-10 times. Here are the top 7 most effective lung exercises for people with COVID-19.

1. Increase stamina

Flying bird: Hold the dumbbells in both hands, let them hang along your body, start to inhale, and raise your arms to the side. Then exhale slowly and lower your hands to the original position. Crossed arms: Raise the dumbbells in both hands and start to inhale. Then exhale with your hands together in front of you. Arms overhead: Inhale while bringing the hands holding the dumbbells overhead, then exhale and lower the dumbbells. You can find and buy weights during the epidemic season very easily on e-commerce sites. Moreover, there are many discount codes, coupons included when buying products to help you save more money.

2. Breathe Dance

Movement 1: Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and bring your arms up together. Then exhale and bring your hands back to the original position. Movement 2: Bend over, feet shoulder-width apart, arms crossed. Inhale and reach up with your arms together, then exhale and bring your hands back to the original position.

3. Increase the vital capacity of each lung lobe

Middle lobe: Wrap the scarf from the back to the front of the chest, located below the armpit. Two crossed hands holding the two ends of the towel. Begin to inhale deeply and squeeze the towel, then let go of the towel abruptly and exhale. Lower lobe: Do the same but the towel is located under the chest. Remember to let go of the towel before you start to exhale.

4. Enhance respiratory muscle movement

Chest breathing: Place one hand on your chest, one hand on your stomach. Start inhaling as much as you can to expand your chest, then exhale slowly. Pay attention to the abdomen, keeping the abdomen from expanding while breathing. Abdominal breathing: Bring your hands to your stomach, inhale until the abdomen expands to its maximum, then exhale until the abdomen collapses to its maximum.

5. Long exhalation

Inhale through the nose, then exhale through the mouth. Exhale forcefully: Inhale through the nose, then exhale quickly and forcefully through the mouth, which helps to open the airways by the cough reflex at the end of the exhalation.

6. Open your chest and control your breathing

Movement 1: Bring your hands forward, start to inhale, and bring your hands back as far as possible. Then exhale slowly and bring your hands back to the original position. Movement 2: Bring your elbows out in front, start to inhale, and rotate your elbows as far back as possible. Then exhale slowly and rotate the elbows back to the original position.

7. Remove residual air in the lungs

Full blowout: Equivalent to full exhalation, helps to remove residual air in the lungs. Bring the balloon to your mouth, take a breath, then take a long breath, exhaling as hard as you can in one blow.

Some tips to help your lungs stay healthy during the pandemic

Take a deep breath

When the body is at rest, the lungs take in 12 to 15 breaths per minute. To train the lungs, we should practice deep breathing and can do it at any time of the day. This way is very simple. Just relax your facial muscles, slowly inhale the air into your lungs as deeply as you can, and then exhale through your mouth. Deep breathing helps to expand the chest cavity, allowing oxygen to be distributed throughout the body and removing carbon dioxide (CO2). Experts recommend regular deep breathing before going to bed at night and after waking up in the morning. This will help relax your body and mind.

Sit properly and breathe

Scientific studies have found that a distorted sitting posture, the arched back will cause the lungs to not expand properly when breathing, leading to shallow breathing and reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood. When this happens, it is necessary to correct the posture. The back should be straight, feet flat on the floor, legs slightly extended, knees should be lower than hips.


Swimming is a great form of exercise for the lungs. When swimming, breathing air through both the nose and mouth helps the body eliminate carbon dioxide well, thereby helping to reduce fatigue through exercise. Even swimming is not only good for the lungs but also good for the heart. Experts say that any activity that is good for the lungs is usually good for the heart.


Jogging is one of the best forms of exercise for the body. According to the latest research, just jogging can reduce the risk of early death. Besides, running regularly every day will bring many health benefits, help lose weight, improve lung function and help you get a new day full of energy. The reason why running regularly every day helps to strengthen the lungs is because when running, it must be combined with the breathing rhythm. Long-running combined breathing techniques will help strengthen the lungs. To stay safe while running during COVID 19, you can buy a treadmill to run at home. Currently, there are many treadmills on the market with attractive discount codes and coupons that will help you save safely during the epidemic season.


Above is an article about the top 7 most effective lung exercises for people with COVID-19. The above exercises will strengthen your lungs and keep you healthy. Hope the article will help you. Wish you good health.

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