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Omicron Variant

Omicron variant of Corona has put the countries to re strategise and re equip themselves for a probable third wave said to be highly infectious with little or no symptoms. From ordering a travel ban to signalling booster doses attempts are being made to reduce the chances of populations falling prey to it but will it prove to be any significant with technology trade and transfers becoming the privilege of a few at the expanse of others. In this regard it would be important for countries to enter into multi lateral treaties and partnerships mutually benefitting by minimising risks involved as for the intense rivalry and rebellion between US and China with the former accusing and charging World Health Organization of working at the behest of latter conceeding important details combating the menace of this deadly virus with the origins of virus being thoroughly discussed and debated with the casualties gradually ticking up. Had it been for a timely intervention than a lot of lives could have been saved but for politics of propaganda and rhetorics mocking and humiliating all those toiling literally hard coming to terms with the reality. It is for the world leaders to decide on what role they would like to recast for themselves bellying hopes and aspirations of their people reposing their faith in them. Pushing up themselves a little would do by engaging scientists, doctors and researchers etc concluding with an blueprint in the interest of each and everyone of us. This pandemic has taught us that together we stand and together we fall. Choice is ours 

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