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laughable society

Today, my lil champ asked me why I stopped writing a journal and I replied, “Because I started ignoring things.” It’s not about things changing or everything around me becoming perfect and fine; I just stopped asking questions.

Recently I was in between a bunch of strange and extremely enthusiastic people whose only enthusiasm is towards others’ life and they curiously judge everything about others’ life even though their own life is a mess. Their favourite topic is the best time of getting married.

They feel superior they got married early in their life has something especial in them and they have god blessing but they cant see the other side of coin,might be your child have early marriage because god feel this is the best time for them to get married because they are not good enough in other stuff or may be they are better in marriage stuff in early stage of life than in late stage of life because they are not capable enough for doing other stuff better at that time…by saying particular girl cant adjust in marriage or family doesnt sound cool or helpful and let me tell you there is no role of you in getting married on right time its purely allah’s wish as the same way allah’s wish to put others marriage in late age of their life or not in there life…i dont post allahs status on friday or neither i post any religious post on my social media because that dont define my extreme love and faith towards my ALLAH…trust me you people havent done anything extraordinary to get married early or there is not right time for marriage so stop taking yourself as superior…everyone has there own path and own way of living,if someone points out you what you did special after getting married and having kids makes you that uncomfortable that make you replied back really rudely,belive me other can also feel that bad when someone continously poke you for something which she or he not needed…so its there good will and behaviour that wont make them not reply you back that rudely.. OPEN your eye,go infront of mirror and ask your self what you did especial to get married,whats your role in that,whats your effort in that surely you get your answer,and STOP commenting such a reckless thing from your long and ugly tongue because you are becoming reason for someones pain someones grief someones loneliness someones deppression and most importantly reason to quit someones own life.


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