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India, Pakistan And China: All 3 Of Us Are Supporting Russia In Different Ways

Vladimir_Putin_and_Xi_Jinping shaking hands with each other.

Trigger warning: mentions of war and violence

We have been enduring several strains of a global virus since 2019. The world hasn’t been able to move beyond the impact of the pandemic yet. We were stunned by the battle between Russia and Ukraine. It became a matter of terror as it evoked the grand loss of  lives that resulted from the first and second world wars.

An immense question has been raised: is this the alarming indicator of a third world war?

Russia and Ukraine were friends earlier, but the problem started when Ukraine tried to become a member of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation). Russia was petrified because the numbers of the NATO army is more than double the size of Russia’s army. The insecurity felt by Russia is a central reason behind the present conflict.

This predicament put the fear of god in Russia it didn’t want Ukraine to become a part of the NATO. All these tensions have been simmering under the covers as a sort of a cold war among the nations, since the end of the second world war.

The Russia-China-Pakistan Nexus

All the developed nations have been overpowering developing countries because of political, geographical and economic reasons. Russia attacked Kyiv using missiles, which is the capital of Ukraine. It used its fighter jets and tanks to bomb and destroy Ukrainian cities.

It seems to me like Russia (and China, as the both of them are presently aligned) are trying to be colonial powers, in a world that has a foreign policy based on the concept of non-intervention.

China is cooperating with Russia, and it has taken over Pakistan’s interests too. It is now targeting other countries in the south Asian neighbourhood such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Taiwan.

The prime minister (PM) of Pakistan, Imran Khan visited Russia as it launched a “special military operation” in Ukraine. This reflects that the Pakistanis have become the messenger for China. PM Khan went there to demonstrate support to the Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin.

The State Of Indo-Russian Ties

The actions of PM Khan are not appreciable. Indian PM Narendra Modi had a discussion with Putin over call, but it was only mere formality being executed, as India wants to keep away from the condemnation over not standing with Ukraine during times of great crisis.

The reason why India is not keen on helping Ukraine amidst this crisis is our reliance of on Russia for military hardware. This is the main cause behind not extending our support to Ukraine.

Indo-Russian ties are predominantly based on defence cooperation. Representational image. Photo credit: Flickr.

Putin visited India in the first week of December 2021. The India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation met during his visit.

A statement from the Indian PMO (PM’s Office) stated that the two leaders expressed “satisfaction at the sustained progress” in our bilateral relationship. It also added that our relationship has been characterised as a “special and privileged strategic partnership”.

What’s Ukraine Going Through Right Now?

Reports say about one lakh Ukrainians have fled to neighbouring countries as they are suffering to stay alive. There is a lack of food, shelter, and other basic needs. Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces are battling for the sake of their country in their outskirt areas and in the streets of Kyiv and other cities.

Think of the brave soldier who sacrificed his life to prevent Russian forces from entering further while they were trying to destroy a bridge. Apparently, Vitaly Skakun blew himself up when the Russians were attacking the Henichesk Bridge, a key strategic link connecting the mainland of Crimea with that of Ukraine’s.

The people of Russia have also been expressing their displeasure against Putin’s decision and dictatorship. Many Russians are standing with the Ukrainians, symbolically, during this conflict.

People are coming out on the streets with posters and slogans, to demand that the war be stopped. They equated Putin with Hitler. So far, the Russian police has arrested thousands of its citizens for protesting.

What Is The Rest Of The World Doing?

Apart from economic sanctions being imposed on Russia, there have been protests at the global level. People from all over the world must stand with the Ukrainians and support them, by pressurising Putin.

All these countries and the UNO (United Nations’ Organisation) can surely come up with a solution for this issue. The UNSC (UN Security Council) called a meeting to try and solve this conflict. India can also play a major role in stopping the war as we have a  good relationship with both: Russia and the US.

The war must be stopped so we can end the loss of lives and humanity!

Featured image is for representational purposes only. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons.
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