Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Poem: “Nations Are Gasping For Breath Today”

soldiers in war

The streets are filled with bludgeoned corpses today

The iron poles are bruised with blood today.

Vapours of violence are hanging in the air,

Strands of the sky have unravelled today.

The streets are filled with bludgeoned corpses today

Veins of venom are cleaving the soil,

Someone has disembowelled the body of earth today.

Barrels of brutality are being poured on houses,

The road seems to be made of crimson asphalt today.

Walls of justice are feeding on lifeless concrete,

Buildings have destroyed their own foundations today.

Thickets of tiles are bristling with memories of fear,

Tear-stained prayer mats have become silent today.

Tear-stained prayer mats have become silent today.

Wild weeds are growing unchecked in the valleys of peace,

Where have the forests gone today?

Fistfuls of sunlight have set the grass on fires of hatred,

Where have the raindrops of calmness disappeared today?

The nation is gasping for breath, choked by hysteria,

Will you water the parched land with love today?

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