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Women’s Day: A Mere Marketing Gimmick Or A True Celebration Of Womanhood?

Ah! Ever since I have known of the existence of a day celebrating womanhood, never have I felt so overwhelmed as it feels today. This is all thanks to the social media posts, promotional offers and motivational posts celebrating the spirit of women and their contributions to various fields (just like Google’s doodle showed us today)!

Not that it has to do anything with me being an extrovert, introvert or ambivert, but more so about its genuineness. When it comes to social media and brands, this genuineness is an important concern because the same parties are also responsible for many issues women face.

The question is: is women’s day a day of remembrance, or a mere marketing gimmick to draw emotional and overwhelming responses out of their consumers?

The earliest version was purportedly a “Women’s Day” organized by the Socialist Party of America in New York on February 28, 1909.

Women Are Still Being Harassed

On March 9, 1911, “International Women’s Day” was honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. More than one million women and men attended the rallies campaigning for women’s rights to work, vote, be trained, hold public office and end discrimination.

And the backdrop: struggle, perseverance and visibility! Has the plight of women changed since then? Hell yes! But, we still have a far way to go so much so that we continue to watch blatant violations of women’s rights of choice and dignity even today.

As a woman, it’s painful to see when women are subjugated. I am referring to the incidents of rape, sexist comments passed by great leaders of the country, mistreatment at workplace and homes.

It may be very easy to conclude that a lot has changed over the past century since the “identification” of a woman’s rights, but are the forces in power doing enough to battle it out on a daily basis?

Women Are Given Differential Treatment

On one hand, social media is a facade, and at other times, a carrier of love, help and support. Weighing the pros and cons of a dynamic medium is very difficult since it is subject to what people want to hear, see and like… Or maybe, what they are made to hear, see and like, subconsciously.

Instances of harassment, intolerance of views and catcalling, have only increased in the past few years. Today, we have the same social media overflowing with wishes to all beautiful ladies out there.

The problem is simple and can be answered with this question: what is your perspective on the idea of equality for each person irrespective of everything and anything? Does your idea of equality and respect change when it is a “he” and not a “she”?

Does your idea of enabling freedom change when it is a girl from your family versus girls who aren’t a part of your family? Does the idea of upliftment and support change when she echoes your mind and perspectives, and shuns the counter-views as being brash?

Let Us Truly Empower Women

Our songs, our movies, our dramas, our influencers and brands, almost everything, possess duality. The vague duality fails to show its true colours. The perfect woman is supposedly thin, beautiful and independent. Advertisements encourage her to shatter the norms of society.

We don’t want coupons, praises and wishes today. We wish to be heard. We wish to make mistakes without the fear of being judged. We wish to learn… Unlearn.

Brands and influencers may or may not make this day a marketing gimmick. But, let’s not forget the abilities of women and not the “powers” of women as the clock strikes 12 today.

Remember the struggles of yesterday and today. Let’s uplift one another to maintain the balance and harmony of society.

Will things change for the better for everyone? And, can we celebrate womanhood every day whole-heartedly? (The marketing gimmicks shall come to fruition then!)

It’s been 111 years of celebration. A lot of things have changed since it was first celebrated. Yet, we are still a far way to go. Let’s be hopeful of a utopian world for women one day. Happy women’s day!

Featured image is for representational purposes only.
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