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Being In Love Isn’t “Uncool”, It’s The Best Thing Ever!

A still from the film Gangubai Kathiawadi. A young man stands behind a woman, who is looking at him. They are both dressed in white.

We are living in a generation where “love” is uncool. People who love openly are deemed as soft or weak.

I was of the same belief until sometime ago, when I came across someone who came into my life and it took a whole 360 degree turn, for all the right reasons! And, now I say it’s the absolute opposite of “uncool” , it’s the best thing ever. Let me tell you how.

I was the last person on the planet whom you would find talking or preaching about love. After a lot of failed relationships, I decided that “love” and “romantic relationships” weren’t for me. The only love in my life was “self-love”. I was super content with my own being. I found solace in my own company.

And, I didn’t even feel the need to go out and look for someone else, because I was done forcing people and relationships in my life. I was living a good life on my own and never lacked “love” because I made sure I gave myself all the love I needed, all of it.

Love Is Not Like What We See On The Gram

“Love” is so different from the pictures we see on the gram, of “the quintessential happy couple”. It almost looked like a cliché to me… And, the fact that after loving all the wrong people in my life, I thought that I had none left in me.

I was too selfish to share my love, space or time with another human being. I wanted to do things for my own self. I had decided that the only focus of my life was going to me. My aim was to give myself the best life possible.

But then, I came across someone who didn’t make me feel like any of the things I thought you are supposed to, when in “love”. This was because my definition of being in love was very messed up. As I mentioned above, I thought “it’s for the weak”. But, I was wrong, for it is the best feeling ever.

The ones who get to experience love it in its realest form are lucky. There’s no impressing each other by putting on a facade and being on your best behaviour all the time. It’s just being your own authentic self, being goofy and sharing comfortable silences; being unapologetically you with each other and true to the bone.

I Love That I Can Always Come Home To Him

It’s rightly said: you glow differently when you are in love and being loved right. I can see and feel it in everything I do—how being in love has had such a positive impact on my life. The best part being that I was never looking for it in the first place. It came to my life and I just embraced it.

I have the same love for myself that I had before I met my partner, because who is going to love you if you don’t love yourself, girl? But, what’s changed is that now I have someone who loves me for me, respects me for the person that I am, and vice versa.

Queer icon Rupaul’s iconic catchphrase on self-love.

He’s my my biggest strength, my confidant, my best friend and my biggest cheerleader! I know that no matter what, he is going to be there for me, and I’ll always come home to him.

The kind of impact a healthy secure relationship has on you is absolutely crazy. It’s the driving force to make things happen and smash your goals so that you can have the life you want, with the one you love. You go above and beyond to make it happen!

My Love Empowers And Strengthens Me

Love motivates you.. Life is the same. Everyday is the same. But, it’s better when you aren’t dealing with it all by yourself… When you have someone dealing with life with you. They act as your safe space and human diary.

The kind of love where you grow together and bring out the best in each other. It’s an inexplicable feeling, really. It does all the right things to you and makes you happy. And, in the end, it is all about happiness, right? When you’re happy, you just function better. Your heart, mind and soul are in sync.

So, never let people tell you it’s stupid to be in love. If being in love makes you feel stupid or weak, you’re in love with the wrong person. Because, love? It just empowers you and liberates you!

It gives you the space to grow and flourish. Never chase love or settle for breadcrumbs of attention. Love yourself first and be open to the idea of everything, so that when love comes naturally to you, you embrace it wholeheartedly!

Featured image is for representational purposes only. Photo credit: IMDB.
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