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Emmanuel Macron Faces Questions As Polls Near

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People’s harsh criticisms instruct politicians to ably attend them, especially during the elections in any country. It simply arises to stand as a common standard throughout the globe. No leader can escape this bizarre political phenomenon. This thesis applies to Centrist Emanuel Macron too.

As France nears its Presidential polls, the French President Emanuel Macron had been moderately and reportedly meeting face to face with the people’s concentrated resentment over various pertinent problems during his election drive. 

It focussed on the issues ranging from those who could not be vaccinated against the Covid virus to terrific taxes and unusually rising prices, etc., as was reported.

The French President Emanuel Macron had been moderately and reportedly meeting face to face with the people’s concentrated resentment

This mood of people comes to the forefront aptly by the news. Learning of one dental assistant Elodie who remained angry by yelling at the president’s defiant verbiage in flatly specifying all those who remained unvaccinated against risky Covid infection. Though he told her she had taken his words in the wrong way, attitude or manner.

She did not end here, but she also cried out about taxes and the unprecedented rising prices. Further letting out his clarifications, he explained he had lowered the tough taxes, and she was not being reasonable and proper. “You have lowered taxes?” Answering, she pointed out it looks wholly incredulous and entirely indifferent.

There was a volley of queries further. She appeared furious, so she put on such different pert concerns. Then, finally, she asked straightway, “Have you ever been to the petrol station yourself? How much do you earn each month?” “I don’t control the global market,” Macron replied. “We just won’t agree,” Elodie concluded.

“I don’t control the global market,” Macron replied. | Image Source: Getty Images

“But I must explain,” Macron said, adding that he always believed that he had a finer and far better explanation for the nudging problems. And that if only he can explain his thinking to others, they will also see his reason and rationale. That self-belief on his part has led to many lengthy speeches, a bit of a tough approach toward the protesters.

Some people have developed an easy perception that Macron won’t listen. However, this will be crystal clear only when the outcome of presidential polls in France gets declared eventually. So the French people need to wait and watch with patience and composure.

Featured image source: BBC News

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