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Poem: Maa, The Embodiment Of Vigour And Passion

The morning sunrises kiss the soothing surface of the mother Earth. 

With the warmth of your joyous footsteps,

The day that promises a new hope.

Just by the beauty of your glowing face,

You are the spirit.

You are the secret.

You are the reason,

For whom this child,

Cradles every step,

Immersed in the sweet perfume,

Of deep affection and adorable closet,

The bosom of utmost comfort.

Maa, you are the vigour and passion,

The zeal and zest,

 That gives your child, 

The spark to defeat and win,

This battle called ‘life’!

(For my beloved Mother)

By Aninnya Sarkar, a PhD scholar and English lecturer in Nagpur.

Featured image is for representational purposes only. Photo credit: Vicky Kaushal, Instagram.


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