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Students Celebrated Rabindra Jayanti During Online Classes

“We got some respite when offline classes began, but now schools have resumed online classes again. During this time, to break the monotony, students feel excited to celebrate Rabindra Jayanti through a dance programme. Every year, we organize such a programme to encourage students towards Rabindra Nritya,” said Dipshika Bhowal, the parent of a child who studies at South Point School as well as a dance teacher.

Dishari Nrityam, Bhowal’s school, organized a dance show in the online mode. Students from various schools participated in it.

“The online classes are becoming hectic and the Rabindra Jayanti performances give us a respite, where we feel very much excited. Moreover, such opportunities amidst the online classes keep us moving,” said Debanjali, a student of the BSS School in Kolkata.

“I love Rabindra Nritya and on every Rabindra Jayanti, I get an opportunity to perform, for which I have been waiting for a long time,” said Anwesha, a student of Techno India School.

The students also performed physically, in a cultural function organized by Purbasha Sanskritik Chakra on May 13.

“I feel bored when attending online classes. When offline classes were there, I was quite excited and now to perform in such a dance programme give me lots of satisfaction,” said Rajanya Bhowal, a student of South Point School, Kolkata.

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