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For Parents Of LGBTQIA+ Kids: How To Be The Grown Up In The Relationship

A mother and father are glaring at their son angrily. It is a still from the film: Taare Zameen Par.

So, your child came out to you? As a self-declared member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and intersex (LGBTQI+) community.

Do not say:

Treat it as seriously as if they have made their final career choice… Much, much more seriously. Because: this isn’t a choice. It has taken them a long path to accept it, understand it, dissolve the guilt and hate and bring it to you.

Embrace them and their evolving sense of self. Say it loudly and be with them. If not you, then who?

It’s not a disease. There is no cure. It is not something that needs to be fixed. Please don’t shame your child for something that they are. There is nothing more they need than your acceptance. Isn’t that their right, being accepted for who they are, in their home?

Don’t blame. Do not speak ridiculously. You are the parent here, remember. Don’t “blame” their tomboy looks, their overly sensitive behaviour, liking arts, not playing football, hanging out with emotional women, or anything else like their loud, brash behaviour.

Assure them it’s fine (even if you have to figure it out), celebrate your child and listen. What you can do is the following:

Remember: it is your family. Gender and sexuality is a small part of who your child is. Happy and healthy children are all we want. Love is all we can give. Love is love, after all… It’s that simple.

Featured image is for representational purposes only. Photo credit: Taare Zameen Par, IMDB.
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